
How to look slim in Indian dresses?

Friends wedding around the corner, and you don’t want to look odd. Are you worried that your 2-tiers can ruin the outfit? You don’t feel good, right? Life is being too busy and nobody on this earth would love to starve themselves before that big-fat Indian wedding. And you are way planning to fit nicely into that Lawn Salwaar Kameez. Am I right? Don’t stress yourself galas. Your tension will ruin only your glow and you don’t want that.

Here in this blog, are some practical tips to look slim in Indian dresses:-

  • Go for darker shades

When talking about dark shades, many people would go for shades likes navy blue and black. In most families, it is not considered to be auspicious. There is a huge difference between shades and color. When we talk about darker shades say like dark pink, maroon, bottle green, etc. Anything in that hues is considered as dark shades. I believe, now you got the point. So, if you are planning then opt for dark shade Indian dresses.

  • Fish-cuts and A-lines

Avoid net and Kalis as it makes the look appear fluffy and fuller. If you are already plump, then you are already fluffy. Hence, choose the Indian dresses that have defined cuts. Opt for A-line or fish cut pieces. They will make you look toned and fabulous.

  • Choose the accessory wisely

Have you ever checked your neck? Is it thick? Does your upper part appear fuller? Then avoid chokers, always go for hanging necklaces. It is the best for you if you keep the area around your neck clear. Surf through the internet, you have plenty of chunky available that goes with such styles.

  • Heels: The new savior

Accept it or not, but heels can tone down and make you appear slimmer in lawn salwar suit. Confused? Well, it is actually science. The taller you are, the slimmer you appear. Don’t you think that’s a genius idea?

  • Dazzle with the neck designs

The style of your neck can make lots of difference to your outfits. Opt for V-necks, as can make you look slim or go for deep neck designs. Even for the back, go for deep designs. It can add more tassels in lawn salwar kameez.

Note:- Remember anything that is covering the neck such as high-neck or Chinese collar will not suit you.

  • Contour your face

Thanks to the beauty product manufacturers who have launched contouring products in the market. Contouring helps one to define the shape and the good make-up artist can make contour your face to appear slimmer.

Final Note

Ladies have a great time dressing yourself with the extravagant lawn salwar kameez. Follow the tips that are mentioned in this blog and have a great time at your friend’s wedding. Don’t forget to tag yourself in the social media pictures and let the world know that you are the best.

Author’s bio

The Rajiv Dutt is the marketing manager at She has got great sense in today’s trends. When free, the author loves to write blogs and articles on recent fashion trends.