Hair Color Organizer

Understanding The Differences Between Box Hair and Professional Hair Dye

A great indicator of the type of person we are can often be found within our hair color. Over the years, hair colors have moved away from simple and boring styles, to more vibrant and colorful one. Hair colors are now illustrations of our character. With the integration of box dyes into society, we no longer need to go to our local salon to change our hair color. While dying at home, there are major reasons why you shouldn’t. Most hair consultants detest using box dye products. Some people consider their negative sentiments towards hair dye stem from a dislike of how popular they have become and how box dyes have revolutionized the hair industry as less people look to book hair appointments. Although general distaste could be the reason for major friction between the two sects, there could also be other reasons.

Box dye gain popularity due to its ease of use and its effectiveness. Box dye can be applied to any variety of hair and usually works. I say it usually works, but in most cases, the desired effect is never achieved. So why doesn’t it work the way it was intended?

Hair has a variety of shades. The fault of box dye comes from its greatest quality: it is generalized. The dyes are not made specifically for your specific hair tone and the desired hair tone. Furthermore, you don’t have the expertise to know how much dye you need versus the kind of application to get the desired effect you were looking for. Additionally, it is dangerous to dye your hair. Continuous dying and altercation can cause one never to fully achieve their natural hair color again. It also works to damage the hair as during the dying process ammonia and peroxide are being used to split open the hair strands to allow the dye to seep through. Continuous exposure to ammonia and peroxide is definitely not progressive to the pursuit of a healthy head of hair.

It is also important to keep in mind, the models with your aspired hair color haven’t used the box color to achieve such outstanding results. It’s really a sham. These individuals have requested the services of the same hair-colorists and stylists to achieve these color. Don’t believe what is says on the tin.

In this same regard, if the hair was previously dyed and now you are looking to replace it with a new, better color. The old color must be fully removed before the new one can be put in. This is another reason why you might not be getting the color you were looking for. This new color is mixing with the old color creating a hybrid color which you were not trying to achieve. Consequently, box dye can only achieve shades three to four times lighter, so through box hair dye it is incredibly hard to go from brunette to blonde without professional help.

Another major factor to the detriment of box dyes is the ever-changing market. Consistently, the popularity of box dyes surges and diminishes with every passing year. While big name brand are popular today, they might be gone tomorrow. This is very important because if one particular brand sells your favorite color and suddenly they are out of business, it is likely you’ll never find that color again. Not like using a professional hair dye.

Professional Hair Dye does not do any of those things. The dye has been created for that specific clients’ hair both in terms of condition and color. Most hair-stylists have undergone considerable training and study in the art of color, dying and mixing that they know the right amount needed to achieve your desired look. Other factors that will affect the color pertains to length, texture, density and porosity of the hair. After the damage you are likely to make dying your own hair by yourself, you might as well invest in the services of a hairstylist.

As you go to your hair salon, you might notice how there dyes are arranged. With a wide variety of hair dyes, most stylists require a hair color organizer.

What exactly is a hair color organizer and what does it do?

A hair color organizer is a system or rack used to organize hair dyes according to color and strength, thereby organizing your colors and providing a space to place them. With such an organizer, you can clear see what kind of color you require and all labels are visible.

These racks can be placed on the wall with mounting hardware provided and offer a quick dispensary system allowing you to easily remove the colors you need.

So the major differences between box dye and professional hair dye is relatively simple. While both can offer you results, the professional dye is more likely to give you the desired result. Too many people complain about the unpredictability surrounding hair dye, that they won’t get the color they are looking for. In these cases, it is imperative to seek the advice of a professional. These professionals understand exactly what your hair need and have the knowledge to apply said dye in a way that hair to healthy hair development while achieving the color you were looking for. In most instances, when people fail to achieve their intended color, they usually start again which means cutting one’s hair off and allowing it to regrow. Such a process can be emotional for most people, another reason why getting it done correctly the first time is so important. Seek the help of a professional.

With so many dyes, organizations is key to the effectiveness of your hair stylist. It would do some good to recommend the need for a rack. These racks are fairly inexpensive and can often last a lifetime.

Hair dye can be a risky business. Before attempting to dye your own hair or another’s, please consider researching the risks associated. Although you might feel you are saving money in the short, in the long term – especially if things go wrong, you could be paying double. It would be safe to place your trust in the hands of a professional hair-colorist. Their knowledge and expertise will always produce the best results. See more visit: EZ Rack USA.