Nursing Home Privacy A Major Issue
Health & Wellness

Nursing Home Privacy A Major Issue

No one’s privacy should be compromised. No matter your age or capabilities, privacy is an essential part of human existence. To protect the rights of residents, it’s important for nursing homes residents and their families be aware of the nursing home privacy laws.

These laws are a basic set of rights in which a nursing home facility must respect. These rights include certain protections, including the right to communicate privately and have living privacy unless medically supervised.

Unfortunately, nursing home resident rights are sometimes violated without their knowledge or the knowledge of their family.

Nursing home residents are entitled to privacy regarding treatment and personal care. Unless there’s an emergency or a medical issue arises, residents can have closed doors and require staff members to knock before entering. These are basic human privacy rights that are sometimes not following in nursing homes.

Residents in nursing homes are entitled to security, and unless safety is needed, bodily privacy. Bathing, using the restroom and other personal hygiene should be respected.

It’s not the nursing home’s job to monitor communication of their residents. Nursing homes must allow for uncensored and private communication with people outside the facility. These communications can be phone calls, letters, email and visitation sessions. Staff cannot stop a phone call from a resident, nor can they read mail or other correspondence.

Most states put a select few individuals in a separate category. These people are entitled to immediate access to residents regardless of privacy. These people are law enforcement officers, doctors, as well as members of federal organizations such as the Department of Health and the Department of Elderly Affairs.

If you believe a loved one is having their privacy infringed upon, it may be in your best interest to contact a nursing home abuse lawyer today.