Top 6 Benefits Of Beeswax For Hair And Skin
Health & Wellness

Top 6 Benefits Of Beeswax For Hair And Skin

We all have heard of how essential oils work wonders for our hair and skin. But, have you ever come across a natural product that just works miracle for keeping our skin and hairs healthy? Well, it comes by the name of beeswax and are a must to keep product if you are looking for wonderful results.

Top 6 Benefits Of Beeswax For Hair And Skin

Beeswax is produced by the honey bees of the genus Apis. Here, I will give you a list as to how you can use beeswax for enhancing your natural beauty.

  1. For Hair

Well, though we do love using a lot of chemicals on our hair for styling, but the harsh truth is that it damages our hair to that extent, that is beyond our imagination. Beeswax is a natural product, devoid of chemicals which moisturizes the hair and can make it frizz free. Isn’t it the yay factor for all you ladies out there? One more thing that ladies can rejoice about is that now they can put an end to their hair fall. Beeswax stops the hair fall and stimulates regrowth.

  1. For Lips

We all really get fed up when our lip balms do not stay on the lips for long and at the end of the day, we are just left with chapped lips. Well, one secret ingredient that can heal the chapped lips like a miracle is nothing other than the beeswax. The natural moisturizers present in it makes it a good lip balm. You can also make your own lip balm by adding essential oils or vitamin oils for added benefits.

  1. For Acne

Beeswax consists of vitamin A, which acts as a wonderful ingredient for treating acne. Besides, it is enriched with healing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. So, if you were till now looking for a product that can help you get rid of those ugly acne, then beeswax is just the right choice for you.

  1.  For Eczema

Beeswax is also beneficial in treating certain medical conditions. One such example is eczema. It is a very common problem during fall. But, this fall you need not worry if you experience eczema. Beeswax mixed with little honey and olive oil is just the right combination you need for treating eczema and psoriasis.

  1. For Stretch Marks

Stretch marks is a problem that many women faces. It can either occur due to weight gain or loss or after pregnancy. Did you know that you can get rid of these ugly marks with the help of beeswax? Combined with essential oils or Vitamin E oil, beeswax can be applied to your stretch marks and within a few days you will start noticing differences.

  1. For Dry Skin

As mentioned above,  due to its moisture locking feature, beeswax is great for hair. Similarly, due to its locking trait, it locks moisture in the skin too and acts as the best companion for people with dry skin. The vitamin A present in it helps in the development of skin building.

Nowadays, most of the cosmetics available in the market consists of beeswax. But, it is better to use original beeswax as a home remedy. You can buy it online and make your own homemade lotions and balms.

Tags:Beeswax, Essential oils