Know About 7 Healthy Foods Trends You Must Include In Your Daily Diet
Health & Wellness

Know About 7 Healthy Foods Trends You Must Include In Your Daily Diet

2016 is still young. If you are still struggling with the best foods to include in your daily diet so as to achieve that eating habit resolution that you made at the beginning of the year, then you could still do it now. This article will help you to discover, adventure and try new healthy foods in this year. The foods will help you attain your diet standards and help you achieve more fit body. Changing health trends have an enormous impact on the foods that we should be taking. Many food market groups have made it their goal to research and discover new food trends that are healthy and lucrative.

Know About 7 Healthy Foods Trends You Must Include In Your Daily Diet

1. Plant-Based Everything

Sometimes back, people took vegetables as an accompaniment to a meal. There was a section set aside for veggies. Today, vegetables are known to own the show. Veggies are currently being used to make any meal. They occupy the largest portion of the plate today. Vegetables are used even in food industries to make all kinds of foods from noodles and much more. They are replacing meat in the diet. Today, plant foods are the most various body care products. Plant foods and veggies are supplements for many kinds of foods. Lifestyle news also lists plant foods essential ingredients and nutrient sources for hair and skin care.

2. Meat Cuts and Seafood

In the past, seafood and meat cuts were just meals that were seen in hotel and restaurant menus. Today they are a mainstream food in most of the kitchens in America and Europe. This has been achieved through the awareness created by the World Health Organization. Research by WHO has shown that most of the animal proteins are not healthy. They have been linked to cancer and other conditions. This has led to the healthy animal proteins being appreciated and, therefore, included in the mainstream diet. Animal proteins like seafood, rabbit meat and Denver cut steaks has had increased and renewed interest from butchers who are making much of these foods than in the yester years.

3. Fermented Foods and Drinks

This is a significant health boost. Fermented foods and drinks aid in digestion. They have got a lot of probiotics that are necessary for a healthy digestive system. For this reason, many people are swinging from the flavorful beverages to fermented drinks. They help to deal with gut health conditions which so many people are often afraid of speaking about. For this reason, many homes appreciate the DIY movement to address gut issues.

4. More Non-GMO Foods

There are a lot of campaigns on the GMO foods. These foods are believed to be produced and grown using chemicals, some of which may be harmful to the body. Unfortunately, most of the processed foods contain GMO foods. Producers, however, are reluctant to disclose this information on the ingredients list. The government has added and approved the Non-GMO verification methods. However, in the meantime, you can be on the lookout for foods like pork, eggs, chicken and other animal proteins.

5. Taste from the East

Gone are the days when a meal only used the natural spices that are grown on the farms. Or is it that the cooking culture is fading away? Foods today have to be spiced up with hot spices from the east. This is an important problem. Spices are a significant cause of hot flushes in women with menopause and joint pains. There is a campaign that will ensure that we stick to the old natural spices that had little effects on the health.

6. Dehydrated Foods

These are foods that have not been common with many chefs. This is because many people will not go for them. They are considered as dry and not tasty. However, we fail to appreciate the health benefits that they add to our body. They contain less of sugars and spices. They are just preserved with their natural sugars and flavors. They are recommended for joint pain relief.

7. Grass Fed Dairy

The food products that are made using the dairy products have been changing in taste in the recent past. This is because of the kind of foods used to feed the animals. It has adversely affected the taste of the milk produced. Today, many people prefer dairy products that use milk as the main ingredient or from livestock that feeds on grass only.


There are a lot of emerging health risks. Fortunately, there is same research to find ways to mitigate the issues of concern. These food trends of 2016 are in line with the researchers.

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