
The Importance of Travelling as a Med Student

The problem with only knowing about medicine in your own country is that the medical situations from other countries around the globe will affect your country. If you travel to another country during your education as a medical student, you’ll gain a lot of benefits in terms of learning about the world.

Benefits of Travel

Travelling to other countries will help you learn about the new medical techniques being taught in those countries, for one thing.  Alternative medicine is often always on the edge of bringing new ideas and techniques into formal Medical science when they are proven to be correct, and by traveling to other countries as a med student, you’ll be at the edge of this process which can only be advantageous to you down the line.

Additionally, you’ll learn about afflictions that come from other countries. After all, just because a particular bacteria or condition comes from a foreign country, doesn’t mean that it can’t travel into yours by way of a traveler passing through that country and yours.

Israeli Medical School

An example of a place where you can travel in this way as a med student are schools in Israel. There are four such possibilities, and they include the Technion in Halfia, Tel Aviv University, and others. This tends to be an easy place to transfer to since English is so common in Israel and many cultural traditions are the same. You can learn about diseases native to the Middle Eastern region which can be extremely helpful.

Schools in Ireland

An example of a school in Ireland is the Atlantic Bridge Program. The program allows students from the U.S. and Canada come in to the country so they can study at 6 different Irish medical schools and study careers such as for medical, veterinary or dentistry. This tends to be an excellent opportunity to learn about Irish techniques and what afflictions come in from Ireland.

Caribbean Schools

There are plenty of top Caribbean medical schools to choose from if you want to travel to the region to learn. This is an opportunity many students take advantage of every year, to bask in Caribbean culture and climate as well as learn about local diseases. Some of the nastiest diseases in the world come from the Caribbean, after all.

Generally you will need to have completed basic science courses before transferring into Caribbean universities since the knowledge there is fairly specialized and you won’t benefit from it if you don’t go. This is especially the case for those in the United States who may not have resistance to some of these diseases that comes over from Africa, or that are native to the region. If you become a GP or ER type doctor in the future, having intimate knowledge of these diseases could be completely invaluable in the future when you have a patient who comes in presenting with one of them.

It’s entirely possible that without specialists from these different areas, diseases that come from the areas would be a lot more virulent in the U.S., so travel to increase knowledge is always useful o all involved.