Impact Of Very Cold or Hot Temperatures On Garage Door Installation
Thrilling weather conditions such as extreme hot and cold temperatures can significantly expose the garage door to many problems most precisely if the garage doors are not insulated. These extreme weather conditions that are experienced both in the summer and winter seasons respectively can cause harmful effects to the functionality of the garage door both electrically and mechanically. Some of the impact of extreme weather conditions on the garage door are clarified below.
When temperatures rise above normal, the following negative impact are likely to be experienced on the garage doors.
Power surges and power outages. These are a likely occurrence that are very common in the summer during hot temperatures making the garage door more vulnerable to breakdowns just like any other electrical system.
- Extra heating in the wiring system. Since many automatic garage doors are designed electrically, the extreme heat is likely to cause melting of some parts of the gate causing the breakdown of the sensitive circuit board and malfunctioning of the sensors and motors.
- Excess heat may also cause appealing deflation since it makes the painting on a garage door fade and peel off leaving it pale. This reduces the beauty of one’s homestead.
Correspondingly, a massive drop of temperatures especially in the winter also have an adverse impact on the garage doors which may include;
Thickening of the lubricants such as grease. Very low temperatures causes the grease to freeze and this undeniably compromises the efficiency of its purpose. This may cause a significant problem during the closing and opening of the garage door as thickened grease may misplace rollers out of their tracks or position.
Extreme low temperatures can also result in contracting of some parts of the garage door such as the springs, screws, hinges and the entire panel of the garage door. This is so because these parts are metallic and metals contract when exposed to temperatures below the threshold. Seizing up of this parts may result in reduced functionality of the garage door mechanically. Functional failure of some electrical parts like the motors and sensors may occur since the electrical system for wiring in the garage doors is also sensitive to very low temperatures.
- In case there is a small pool of water at the bottom of the garage door track during extreme cold temperatures, the garage door is most likely to freeze shut in the case that, that water pool may freeze forming ice at the bottom of the door and this definitely results in malfunctioning of the garage door.
Some of the key measures for prevention should be taken into consideration during this thrilling weather conditions to avoid those negative impacts associated with them. Insulating the garage door is one of the major measure one should take because it prevents most of the garage door troubles that are likely to be experienced during the extreme weather conditions. Those with garage doors installation are also advised not to use grease as a lubricant for their garage door parts since using grease has a negative impact.