What Are the Top Brothels In The World?
A brothel is legal in many countries. It flourishes when the economy booms, but is also a business that still thrives when economies burst. Like every other industry, there are also social classes for brothels one which offers their services at affordable rates and other high-class brothels that cater exclusively to the rich people. Some of the high-class brothels charge $500 and above for an hour to their customers.
Going by the amenities, ambience, and the services, there is a small list of top brothels across the world with an ever swelling customer base that is well renowned for catering to the tastes of the upper crust.
Let Us Have A Look At Some of them
#1. The Penthouse, Sydney, Australia
This is considered the top brothel in the world, which has earned its place for the top notch amenities, luxury, and extravagance. It is the place with so much attention to detail when it comes to customer needs, therefore the entrance to this brothel is an unmarked door between two other stores. This brothel is run in an elegant Victorian style building. Girls from around the world are on their rolls and you can make a choice based on your requirement. You can also visit their website and book the private suites, escort services which you can enjoy from the comforts of your home, apartment, or hotel suite. It also has private entrances to help you retain your privacy.
#2. Café Millennium, Sao Paolo, Brazil
This brothel is replete with a restaurant, swimming pool, fitness center, and shops where you get sex toys and sexy lingerie. This place is always teeming with semi-nude girls doing every bit to solicit young rich men.
#3. Paradise, Germany
This brothel has a Moroccan ambience where you can enjoy buffet food, sauna baths, a porn theatre, and luxurious private rooms that give you total privacy. This is a chain brothel which is having more than five branches and you may choose whichever is more convenient to you. This is considered a mega brothel that caters to the needs of a large number of customers.
#4. Utopia, Bangkok, Thailand
This brothel serves the needs of the elite clients, especially tourists, and has one of the most extravagant suites that will put luxury hotels to shame. The most special thing about this brothel is the availability of plenty of girls who looks like a supermodel and every customer here gets spoilt for choices.
#5. Club LV, Amsterdam, Netherland
This is one of Netherlands oldest brothels that caters to the rich. Apart from having eight luxurious rooms, there is something else that makes this brothel special is the outstanding sexual skills of the staff who can take you to the heights of erotica.
#6. Pink Palace, Melbourne, Australia
This brothel offers high-quality adult services with the speciality being that its staff is mostly stunning celebrity look-alikes. The services offered here are high-class and there are almost twelve luxurious rooms which are furnished lavishly. The class services, the ambience, and the most stunning staff here have the right mix to make your wildest dreams come true.
#7. Gentleman’s Club Leonardo, Prague, Czech Republic
This brothel may pass off as yet another luxury hotel. This place is well known for its high-class adult entertainment services and is much sought after by businessmen and diplomats. What is special about this place is that you are offered an extra hour of services for free if in case you are not satisfied with their services. This highlights how much the hosts value their elite customers and the importance given to their satisfaction.
Hope you like the above-mentioned information about top brothels in the world. Get in touch with us for more details.