Health & Wellness

Everything You Want To Know About Skin Tags And It’s Treatment

Skin tag? What is it? The common skin growth that is typically connected to the underlying skin by a thin stalk is called a skin tag. They usually develop in folds of skin but cause no harm. Still, these growths can be too much irritating. Skin tags can appear smooth or irregular, and may get attached to the skin by a short stalk that stalk is called a “peduncle”.

These skin tags look like a small cluster of hanging skin and occur in the areas where clothing touches against the skin or where there is skin-to-skin friction, such as the neck, upper chest and underarms. They aren’t present from the birth and their frequency increases with age. Also, they can be found in 25% of adults. So they’re quickly spreading to their families. Before it spreads to the next generation, you should consult skin tag removal dermatologist for the best treatment. How can we term skin tag in medical language?

Everything You Want To Know About Skin Tags And It’s Treatment

A skin tag is medically termed as an acrochordon. Different terms have been used to define skin tags which include soft fibromas, soft warts, fibroma pendulans etc. Do you eagerly want to know how it causes? Then, here we go!

Skin Tags Causes:

Skin tags are believed to develop due to friction between adjacent areas of the skin. Common sites for skin tags are the underarms, upper chest, neck, eyelids etc. Because of the increased skin-to-skin contact and friction, they are more common in overweight people. Although, they can be seen in children and aged people but people in middle age can also have skin tags. Actually, skin tags can grow at any age and normally, every individual develops a skin tag in his life once. Some people believe that skin tags are cancerous but they aren’t actually. Just look at its symptoms :

Symptoms Of Skin Tag:

Skin tags are dark yellow to brownish in color. They may be smooth or wrinkled and range in size from around 1mm to grape size. Though, you can easily recognize by a stalk that attaches the skin tag to the underlying skin. These very small skin tags may appear like a raised bump on the skin. If a skin tag is twisted then it may turn red or black in color. Skin tags are not basically painful and aren’t associated with any other skin part. Don’t worry! Check out the treatment part.

Treatments :

Treatment is only indicated if the skin tags are disturbing to the patient. Treatment involves surgical removal of skin tags. You can also do self-care at home. You can tie off the small tag with thread or dental floss and allow the tag to fall off over several days. You can also go with medical treatment. Skin tag removal by a healthcare practitioner is the best treatment for skin tags that are irritating or pose cosmetic problems. You can opt for the surgical option too. In which, skin tag removal can be accomplished by cutting it with a blade or scissors, using electrocautery or freezing with liquid nitrogen. For skin tag removal, no follow-up examination is needed other than regular medical care and examination. So how can you prevent the skin tags from occurring?

Skin Tag Prevention:

It is not possible to prevent skin tags but losing the extra weight can be helpful to prevent them from developing. As said earlier, overweight or obesity are the main reasons for skin tags to occur. People who get skin tags have more chances to develop more of them with the passing time. So it requires to have some advanced level treatment like freezing them off to prevent them from spreading.

Lastly, skin tags are more common among people having diabetes as well as people who are obese. So be careful about skin tags. If you have skin tags then try to take proper treatment. Step ahead to save your next generation from the diseases. Get well soon!