Should You Go For The Esthetician Program?

Should You Go For The Esthetician Program?

One of the top reasons why cosmetics, esthetics, and spa industry is flourishing is because people are now paying more attention to their physical and emotional wellbeing. Those who join this field have a knack for creativity and love working with their hands. Colleges in Canada are offering the esthetician programs that will educate and train you for a vocation in this industry.

An esthetician license can likewise offer a good basis for several other professional openings, such as makeup artist, manufacturer’s representative, salesperson, beauty blogger, PR person in beauty lines, etc. However, it is a bit unreal to have a license and expect getting hired just on the basis of that. You will need to develop expertise and credentials which will serve as an add-on to your licensed program, skills, and work experience, if any.

Your Career as an Esthetician

Canada has outstanding esthetics and spa services to offer. These facilities are managed by some of the best professionals in the world. For an Esthetician program graduate, several employment opportunities make their ways in the industry; from working in spas, salons, health centers to becoming skin care consultants and working as assistants to dermatologists. A well-learned esthetician can even start his/her own business using one’s skills and training.

Program Description

The Esthetician program comprehensively educates you about the learning and skills needed in this versatile sector. In your first year, you will learn basic skills such as facial, waxing, manicures, and pedicures. In the second year, you will be taught about advanced esthetic practices which include microdermabrasion, anti-aging treatments, and light therapies. During your second year, you will learn treatments that will improve your confidence and ascertain your skills to help clients with their skin care worries.

Academic Requirements

The prerequisites to acquiring an Esthetician program are:

  • You must have an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent to;
    • Grade 12 English: ENG4(C) or ENG4(U)
  • You must have a Mature Student Status (age 19 or above) with the above fundamental course(s), their equivalent(s) or Academic and Career Entrance (ACE) Certificate program credits.

Improving Your Chances of Success

If you are already working at any salon or spa as an assistant or a front desk employee, your prospects to getting a job right after finishing your program are very bright.

However, searching for a job with just having the Esthetician license will be a tough task. Keeping a couple of things in mind may improve your chances:

  • Always be exceptionally enthusiastic to learn.
  • Adopt appropriate sanitation habits.
  • Make your “touch” comfortable.
  • After passing out, learn to do speed waxing. Waxing has always been a highly in-demand skill to have.
  • Work on your skin, communication skills, and selling skills.

Finding the Right School for You 

With a great lot of schools offering the Esthetician program, it might be difficult for you to find the right one for yourself. Start with making a list of schools that offer this course in your region. Give them a call to learn about the admission openings. You can know more about the licensing requirements, school’s curriculum, program’s fee, full and part-time programs through their websites.

The primary goal of any esthetician school is to teach what is required to pass the state licensing exam. Get information about the equipment they will be using in their teaching classes. Learn about their faculty and how long have they worked there. Also, research on how their pass-outs are doing in the professional industry.

It is also critical that you visit the esthetician school to learn about their atmosphere, teachers, and students. There are often free workshops or open house at schools where you can make a visit and have a feel for the school’s atmosphere. Anderson College is one of the best beauty schools in Toronto from where you can acquire the Esthetician program and is everything you will be looking for in your esthetician school.