
Working and Studying: Pros and Cons

Being a student can be hugely expensive. There are so many cost involved with studying at university, from living costs to tuition fees to equipment cost. These expenses can put quite a strain on your bank account. Situations such as these are why some students look to work part-time alongside their study to ease the financial burden and garner some extra income. However, managing time between education and work can be extremely stressful and is often more strenuous than first anticipated.


  1. As mentioned before, working whilst studying will allow students to earn some extra income which is always nice. The extra funds received from having a job could be used to deal with expenses or even can be used for more personal purchases such as a new computer.
  2. Having a job also means that students gain on-the-job experience, and this is such a valuable asset to have in the world of work. Experience looks great on a CV or résumé, and it may give the student an edge of less experienced candidates should he or she consider applying for other jobs in the future.
  3. Having a job can also provide networking opportunities and build strong references. If a student is skilled at their job, supervisors and bosses are more likely to provide a valuable view on the student that would not be available from their professors and tutors. If the students look to apply for a similar job in the future having a network can prove to be indispensable as it may provide other career-furthering opportunities.


  1. Having a job simply means less free time. This means less leisure time and most importantly less time to be a student. This could mean grades suffer as a result, and the student does not reach their full potential. Even with any amount of work experience, coming out of university with a poor grade could lead to a low-paying job in the future.
  2. Having a job also means more stress and tiredness. As you have to be on your feet for long periods of time you can easily become very lethargic whilst having a job, coupled with increased pressure from juggling two things at once this could also lead to a drop in grades as you may be sleeping during your free time. Too much stress can also lead to increase health problems
  3. Part-time employers may also be just as expectant as full-time employers. This may mean that students will have to take extra shifts at work, which could lead to missing of important lectures that will leave the student at a disadvantage come exam time.
  4. Generally, the part-time jobs a student can get are not very significant. Jobs as bar staff or waiters are common. Many employers may not be impressed by such experience or the experience received may not be transferable to other fields of work.

Working alongside study can prove to be both a good thing and a bad thing. There is obviously the benefit of experience and extra income. However, students looking to work and study simultaneously should first ask themselves whether the extra money and experience is worth the opportunity cost of getting poor grades or increased stress levels. It must be noted that if you are at university you are a student first above all else.