Business & Finance

Smartphone App – Gimmick or Marketing Necessity?

Digital natives live and breathe mobile devices. They are connected to the cloud 24/7, constantly monitoring their social and professional lives from the palm of their hand. What this means to aspiring businesses is that they must learn to speak the language of mobile apps in order to grab hold of the modern marketplace. Mobile apps do not just drive businesses, they drive the overall economy as well. If your company has not yet entered the app arena, offering up an app of its own, then chances are your business is missing out on 80-percent of the marketing potential that exists only through consumer ready mobile contact. Rest assured, other competing businesses have already made a transition to employing mobile apps to augment their ability to reach consumers and do more business. It is time for your company to make a name for itself in the global app market if you intend to compete on a level playing field with other businesses in your industry.

Smartphone App - Gimmick or Marketing Necessity?

Designing Your Company App

Taking the first steps towards developing a company app can seem a little daunting. For starters, app developers are not cheap. Secondly, you must develop a concept that both appeals to consumers and keeps their attention on your company’s products and services for the long term. In some situations, this is best accomplished by simply providing your customers with a clean user experience with which is easy for them to interface. In other cases, introducing an app that operates like a game with challenges will give your customers something to stick around for, because your app happens to be rather engaging. The design direction you choose really must fit the customer-base you are trying to reach though.

Understanding Your Customer Base

While some companies imagine any old app will do to represent their company, this way of thinking is totally backwards. Today’s digital natives are far more keenly aware of how they are being marketed to than past generations. If your app comes across as too pushy, then you will lose customers fast. If your app does not appeal to the consumers needs, again they will know it immediately. What is worse is that they will dump your app for a competitor’s app that provides them with what they perceive to be genuine quality. Because quality is key, it is essential that your company conducts market research to better understand how your app will provide customers with perceived quality. Overlook this all important factor and your company will waste tons of money developing an ineffective app.

Metrics and Personal Information

A good app reaches out to customers and gathers all sorts of data about those people who use your company’s app. Any type of personal information you can get a customer to fork over is great for developing avenues of long term communication with such a customer. As more people are getting online, and sharing their opinions, habits and likes, large companies quickly figured out they have a goldmine under their fingertips. Soon enough, pretty much everything around us is will be able to get online and join the network – so capitalize on this while you can. An app that gathers information without the user even knowing it, in order to develop measurable metrics about the consumers using your app, will also help your company more effectively market to the customers that you are able to reach. This is critical for ensuring repeat sales down the road.

Listen to Your Customer

Any app used as a marketing tool should provide users with a feedback option. Modern consumers like knowing that their voices are being heard. In fact, they practically demand it. If a company does not give the impression that they want to hear from the modern consumers they are trying to reach, they will likely not reach these individuals. In this respect, app development is not for those companies who are bent on customer no service. If you are not ready and willing to hear what your customers have to say, and bend your company to meet consumer demands, then chances are your app development efforts will translate to being a huge waste of money. Remember, you are reaching out to your customer. Listening to their ideas and feedback is your opportunity to learn what it will take to get them to open their digital wallets and invest in your products and services.


Businesses operate in a modern marketplace. Consumers are far more picky and choosy than ever before. Marketing tactics that used to drive the masses to purchase products are less effective to the modern consumer. New marketing approaches suit the perceptions of digital natives which now comprise a significant bulk of the paying consumer base. For this reason, companies that provide useful, quality apps are companies that have learned to speak the language of these digital natives. These tech savvy companies are poised to reap the most from their app-driven marketing efforts.