All You Need To Know About Kratom FST
Kratom leaves are used from centuries due to their medicinal properties and also for their energizing and relaxing effects. Traditional these leaves were chewed but today due to their bitter taste they are processed as kratom drinks, kratom powders and kratom extract for easy consumption. The medicinal properties of Kratom leaves are due to the different alkaloids present in them and the concentration of these alkaloids vary from strain of tree to another depending on the area where it is grown and also the growth conditions like type of soil.
Pure kratom powders are easily available online which can be used t prepare your own kratom drinks and shots. Full Spectrum Kratom Tinctures are the latest innovation in the kratom market where they are highly concentrated liquid tinctures with a higher concentration of the alkaloids that are responsible for its medicinal properties, relaxing properties, energizing properties, etc.
The Advantages of Kratom FST Over Powder and Drinks
The effect of the FST is more intense than the extract and the powders and thus you will require a minimum dose. For instance where you need to take 7 to 9gms of kratom powder, all you will need is just one or two drops full of the Kratom FST. Thus beginners are recommended to take just a drop of the FST. As it is most potent and intense you are advised to never exceed two dropsfull as it might result in overdose.
The ease of use is the major reasons that the FST is better than the kratom extracts and powders where you can just squeeze the dropfull on or under your tongue or simply swallow it down followed by orange juice or plain water. A full-spectrum Kratom tincture is extremely fast acting where the effects appear immediately within a few seconds which is unlikely when you use the powder or Kratom drink where the effects start after half an hour of consumption.
FST is Economical and Lasts Longer
FST is very economical as the bottle lasts longer as you just need a few drops everyday when compared to the many grams that you consume in a month. The FST is available only in few ethnobtanical online stores where you commonly find Maeng Da FST, Red or Green or blended Kratom FST in glass bottles having 15ml of FST. The dropper is provided along with the bottle where one dropperful accounts for 1ml of the FST.
Kratom FST has a whole list of alkaloids ranging to about 40 of them which are not found in the powders or Kratom extracts. This makes Kratom FST the best means of using Kratom for wholesome benefits where you get all the properties associated with the Kratom leaves. Kratom FST is economical, convenient and easy to use and also has many benefits as a whole package. Hence it is a better choice when you want to experience the benefits of Kratom leaves as they are fast acting also – this means you can experience the effects within seconds.