
Avoid These Common Mistakes With Your Display Cases With Jewelry

It is important that you realize how things can turn out when you use display cases with jewelry. Ultimately, the right choices you make can mean the difference between shooing away your customers and attracting them. The first thing you should always consider when it comes to display cases with jewelry, is that you should match the type, size and color of your jewelry to the display case.


  1. Begin by Matching the Display Cases to your Collection

If you’re someone who is passionate towards jewelry whether as a consumer or collector, then chances are you would have visited some chain jewelry stores that are pretty big. In there you might have noticed the effect that different display cases for jewelry can turn out differently. For example, you might have found out that higher-end gems and jewelry might have been sitting in an equally expensive looking display case.

Casual jewelry may instead look better hanging off a display case that is hung up on the wall. What this means is that you should definitely take a minute or two to consider how your prized collection will turn out when thinking about display cases with jewelry.

  1. Stop and think how your Customers will React

Even if you’re not selling your jewelry, you’d still want your guests to appreciate them rather than shy away from them or seeing their faces grimace when their eyes look at your jewelry. That being said, you need to also think about your demographic. If you’re selling jewelry that is targeted towards teens, you may opt for a cooler looking display case. Or if your guests are primarily from higher income households, you’ll definitely want to skip over the aluminum built display case and instead go for the classy wooden one.

  1. Make your Display Shine Brightly

Do everything you can think off in order to differentiate yourself from the next jewelry store out there. Keep your most prized pieces at eye level at the front of the counter for all to see and arrange the less expensive ones in different sized display cases to give off the matching feeling. You can even be a model for your own jewelry by putting them on and when talking with your guests or customers, be sure to divert their attention to the pieces on your body as often as you want.

Jewelry is meant to astonish and astound so there really is no reason for you to be shy and not take full advantage of them! When you have fully memorized all of the points above, it is then time for you to start thinking about getting display cases with jewelry.