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5 Ways to Create a Home Office Space That Increases Productivity

Productivity is directly dependent on how organized and well-managed you are. Working from home is an awesome opportunity to not only work in your comfort zone but also use the liberty to maximize productivity by prioritizing things and ensuring that things are carried out in a streamlined manner.

The question that arises here is how do you ensure that? One way is to analyze the surroundings you are working in and create the ideal home office space that does not only motivate you to work but keeps you happy and on your feet.

So go for that better work-life balance, save on commute, multi-task and use your time efficiently and effectively by creating an ergonomic home office space. Getting organized tops the list. Let’s get started!

Let in the Natural Light

Our innate connection with natural elements is undeniably a major factor in ensuring our productivity. Working in a well-lit space does not only illuminate the room but has a direct impact on one’s concentration span, well-being and productivity.

Having said that, there are a number of practical steps which can be taken to enhance the aesthetics of your home office space. To benefit from natural light, make sure that the space you are dedicating to work is strategically located facing the garden or overlooking a serene landscape. Furthermore, make it a point to keep the windows clean and well-maintained as it directly affects the level of lighting in the room. You could even sign up for professional window cleaning services to get this off your to-do-list. Regular maintenance will definitely pay off in the long run.

Add the ‘Comfort’ Element

When you have the advantage of working from within the ‘comforts of your home’ then why not take maximum benefit out of it. It is true that you need to keep yourself focused and proactive but you need to let the creative juices flowing while staying in your comfort zone. Make a ‘go-to’ space in your home office where you can just relax and brainstorm some creative ideas to get you going. Sometimes, the best of ideas come when you are casually rummaging through your mind rather than wracking your brain over the laptop.

Plus, you could always sneak in that little power nap, after all you’re not under anyone’s supervision at your home!

De-Clutter All the way

It goes unsaid that a cluttered, messy desk is only going to add up to the distractions and not get you anywhere! With the exodus of distractions sent your way via social media, it is best to keep physical distractions at bay.

With those piles of paper, unnecessary stationery and stack of unattended files occupying your work desk, it creates a lot of chaos, leading to misplaced information and documents which inadvertently triggers a stress reaction. Your ability to process information and focus on the task at hand is also adversely affected. As if this was not enough clutters is like visual distraction that impairs creative thinking.

Some practical ways to de-clutter are:

  • Designate specific drawers to a certain items (e.g. stationery, mails, tools)
  • Use a label marker to identify drawers, boxes and files
  • Use colour-coding for your filing system
  • Creatively utilize storage spaces by getting aesthetically appealing filing cabinets (open shelving, drawer dividers etc)

Don’t forget the digital clutter that is constantly bickering you in the form of notifications. Keep your online and offline life separate as overexposure to digital information is likely to have the same effects on your brain as physical clutter.


Having enough office supplies such as pens, sticky notes, stapler, scissors, printing paper etc. is essential to ensuring that you do not have to run for supplies in the middle of work. This saves time when you need things urgently. Home office spaces can be highly productive or at times a total mess. It all depends on how well you manage and streamline things.

A coffee machine can also do wonders in boosting your efficiency, so keep one in handy where you’re working, so that you can get your fair share of caffeine to keep you going.

Keep Office and Personal Life Separate

Don’t take the perk of being able to work from home for granted. Set your priorities and establish an ergonomic work station that helps you stay focused for a longer period of time. Do not make yourself available for social activities during work hours as they can easily interfere with your work schedule and undermine your productivity.

Use social media only for advertising purposes and connecting with clients and stakeholders. Put up reminders to stop yourself from indulging in menial tasks. A calendar with a timeline of deadlines can keep you invested in the task at hand so that you know when the deliverables need to go out. Never compromise on your work for personal tasks.

All in all ensure that your home office work space is regularly cleaned as hygiene plays a pivotal role in ensuring positivity in your surroundings. If you feel you are too caught up in work to dedicate time to this absolutely necessary task, then you always have the option of signing up for professional cleaning services, who make sure to serve you to the best of their abilities, ensuring maximum satisfaction. After all you need to take care of the space you work in.