10 Things You Should Know About Dermal Fillers
Health & Wellness

10 Things You Should Know About Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers, also known as facial fillers and skin fillers are a safe and effective way to soften the look of fine lines, furrows and wrinkles and to add volume to areas that you think need a bit of filling out, like your lips or your cheeks. Here are 10 things you need to know about dermal fillers:

10 Things You Should Know About Dermal Fillers

1.Facial filler treatments are outpatient procedures.

They usually take less than an hour. This means you can theoretically have a dermal filler treatment on your lunch hour and go back to work, but it is a good idea to rest for a day or two.

2.You will only need a topical anesthesia.

Some people do not even need topical anesthesia. A puff of cold air or an ice pack applied to the area to be treated is enough to numb it.

3. The needles used are very fine.

This is another reason why heavy anesthesia is not needed during filler treatment.

4.Facial filler injections are usually not covered by medical insurance.

Health insurers usually don’t cover facial fillers because they are considered cosmetic procedures. You should make payment arrangements with your doctor before having the procedure.

5.The treatment does not leave scars.

The lack of scarring is one reason why skin fillers have become popular.

6.Dermal fillers are temporary or permanent.

Fillers that are temporary are broken down, absorbed and eliminated by the body over time. Permanent or semi-permanent fillers are not.

7.They are made of different materials.

You can use your own fat as a skin filler. Your doctor can harvest fat cells from your liposuction surgery, clean them and reinject them into the areas of your face that need volume. Other materials used for facial fillers are:

•Hyaluronic:acid, which is a hydrating sugar. Doctors use a synthetic type of hyaluronic acid for fillers, so it does not have animal or human proteins that can lead to an allergic reaction.


Like hyaluronic acid, collagen is found naturally in the body and provides structural support for it. The doctor can use collagen harvested from human cadavers or from cattle. Though the collagen is purified, you will need to take a skin test to make sure you are not allergic to it.

•Polylactic Acid

Polylactic acid is the stuff they make dissolvable stitches from. It is used almost exclusively as a volumizer. It makes the skin thicker and stimulates your system to make collagen.

•Calcium Hydroxylapatite

This material is made of phosphate and calcium and is found in your teeth and bones. It is used to correct scars, deep folds and furrows. It is also a volumizer, especially for the cheeks.

•Permanent Fillers

The fillers above are either absorbed by the body or can be removed. The following fillers stay in the body and basically can’t be reversed. They include microscopic spheres of PMMA suspended in bovine collagen; a gel made of water and polyacrylamide; a gel of polyvinyl and alcohol and water and injectable silicone.

8.Botox makes skin fillers last longer.

An injection of Botox relaxes the muscles around the problem area and helps the dermal filler last twice or even three times as long. The doctor gives you the Botox about two weeks before you have the dermal filler for optimum results.

9.You can have touch ups with temporary fillers.

Since temporary fillers are eventually absorbed, you can have touch ups. Interestingly, the problem you return for, whether lines or furrows, is never as severe as it was the first time.

10.Fillers can help prevent wrinkles in the first place.

This is one reason that doctors are seeing patients at ever younger ages.