RV Relocs: How Do You Find These Deals?

RV Relocs: How Do You Find These Deals?

With the increase in the number of road travelers, campers, and vacationers, RV rentals have definitely become one of the most widely used modes of transportation throughout the United States. Tim Hyland, the president of RV group at Commercial Distribution Finance for GE mentions that since the beginning of the year 2015, consumer interest for RV buyers and renters is growing consistently. Because of this fact, RV rentals are more competent than ever, and new ways to appeal to the masses have been discovered. One strategy of rental agencies is to get more customers is through offering RV relocs.

RV relocations are what we call as a tactic that could benefit both parties. Today, customers looking for cheap transportation could choose RV relocs and never regret getting one. If you are interested as well, this is where you can find these affordable deals:


If you would want to search for details about bookings, there are multiple ways to achieve this. First, if you are aware of any local RV rental agencies in your place, you can go there to meet the owner or staffs personally. This is the best option if you want to talk extensively because your follow-up questions can be answered right away. If you visit the office, you can also see RVs in actual. This means that you can judge for yourself whether or not the RV is well suited for the type and duration of your planned travel.

Another way of booking is to use the internet. While visiting the brick and mortar can be extremely helpful, going to online platforms have their own advantages, too. For one, it can save you time, and you can browse for bookings in the convenience of your homes.

Lastly, joining in forums or talking to acquaintances that have prior experience can give you directions on where to get the best deals. If you already have a list of potential RV rental companies, you can ask your acquaintances for reviews. Then, you can base your decision on the information you gather.


With the uncontrollable supply and demand of rental agencies, RV relocs offers can be posted anytime. There are so many ways to keep you updated. For example, you can get the contact details of your chosen rental agency and give them a ring anytime you want. There are also advanced ways to do it, too. You can either go to rental sites and see their current postings or install apps that can automatically update you of any postings.


RV deals can cover a lot of areas. You can get deals that are mostly offered in the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Europe. Here are some of the most common routes covered in relocations:

The United States

Frequency: Frequent Posting

Vehicle Types: Campervans and small and large RVs

  • Los Angeles to San Francisco and Ferndale
  • Los Angeles to Ferndale
  • San Francisco to Ferndale
  • Las Vegas to San Francisco, Los Angeles, ad Denver


Frequency: Frequent Posting

Vehicle Types: Cars and campervans

  • Sydney to Melbourne and Brisbane
  • Cairns to Brisbane and Sydney


Frequency: Rare Posting

Vehicle Types: Small and large RVs

  • Calgary to Toronto and Montreal
  • Vancouver to Calgary
  • Halifax to Toronto and Montreal

New Zealand

Frequency: Frequent Posting

Vehicle Types: Cars and campervans

  • Christchurch to Auckland
  • Queenstown to Auckland and Christchurch

Though these are the usual postings of most rental companies, there can still be changes in them once in awhile. Changes can happen when a  branch closes for a day due to weather disturbances. In the end, it depends on the season and demand of each and every rental agency.

Final Tip

If you aim to get a relocation RV for your upcoming travel, make sure that you are flexible in terms of adjusting to the date of your vacationing. You will also have to plot in advance the days within the relocation period and how you are going to utilize this. Plotting is a crucial part because this will determine how many stopovers you’ll be getting within the timeframe.

To maximize your travel experience, list down the places that you are going to visit. Pick scenic routes wherein you can eat, do potty-break, and take a break. Examples of these routes are the roads passing by famous tourist destinations like lakes, beaches, theme parks, and museums.

RV relocation usually lasts from 1 up to 10 days. Number of hours needed for the average driving period can vary, but some generous rental agencies offer a reason 2 to 3 hours of driving during a day – the rest of it can be spent relaxing. If you happen to miss the drop off date, you can just pay off the added days that you took. With this to back you up, RV booking will be easy.