
How To Download UPTU Admit Card

The State Entrance Examination for Uttar Pradesh Technical University (SEE-UPTU) also known as APJ Kalam Technical University (AKTU) is an annual entrance examination for entrances in college in the state of UP for courses like engineering, management, pharmacy and architecture. All institutions which are affiliated to the Gautam Buddha Technical University (GBTU) and the Mahamaya Technical University give admission to their new students through the centralized counselling as per the ranks of SEE-UPTU. The exam is conducted each year by the two universities on an alternative basis. It is considered to be one of the highly reputed exams of India.

The exam is conducted on a definitive syllabus which is based on the various topics covered by the state board of UP, CBSE Board Examination and the ISC Board, though all topics of the CBSE and the ISC are not included in the UPSEE syllabus. The pattern of question paper in the exam is totally fixed. Currently, the examination is based on an objective- type question paper for all the three subjects namely physics, chemistry and mathematics and uses OMR answer sheets which are machine readable. There is no negative mark awarded for an incorrect answer.

How To Download UPTU Admit Card

The forms for this examination are available at the time of late February to beginning and mid of March and students can apply for this examination by filing the forms online. There is a processing or application fee of INR 800 for Male applicants of General and OBC categories and for SC, ST and Female category applicants this fee is reduced to half i.e. they have to pay only 400 INR. The printout of the filled form has to be sent as the affirmation page addressed to the Registrar, UPSEE, I.E.T. Grounds, Sitapur Road, Lucknow. The affirmation can be sent by means of registry or speed post. The affirmation page has to be signed and thumb impression should be given by the student applying for the examinations. After this the student is registered for the examination.

There is an application number and a password provided at the time when the student applies for the UPTU form online. The application number is generated by the university but the password is decided by the student himself and these two become the keys to enter his ID or panel for the UPTU exam. These are really important and should be kept very safely.

The university generates an admit card for every student appearing for the examination whose form was submitted without any shortcoming or glitch and all those who were registered successfully. The admit card contains useful information for the student like the city and the centre for his examination and his roll number. The admit cards are available starting from the first week of April. Students have to log in to the official website of UPSEE and there they will find a link or a tab which says “Download the admit card”. Click on the link to reach the subsequent page and there the student has to type in the information to go to his ID of UPSEE namely the application number and the password given at the time of registration and click on submit. The website generates their admit card which is displayed at the screen. There is option for print given there on the webpage which directly prints the admit card and there is also an option for download but if both are not viable then both Chrome and Mozilla users can go to the menu option at the extreme right end just below the close option and click on print in the dropdown menu and print the page in PDF format and save it in their systems and get it printed when they can.