Get Rid Of Ugly Flab Forever With University Bariatrics
Health & Wellness

Get Rid Of Ugly Flab Forever With University Bariatrics

Looking to lose weight forever? Do not just lose excess flab but get rid of them forever. University Bariatrics gives you the chance to take back your life. The well established weight loss surgery plan or program can allow you to reach your fitness goals. Dr. Amir Mehran, the chief of the Bariatric Surgery Program, has great expertise which is accumulated over the past few decades of hard work and dedication. He strives to distinguish himself with the unwavering commitment to the fundamental pillars of effective weight loss surgery-patient education, patient preparation and safety. His tremendous dedication to individual care is the reason why patients are seeking consistently the bariatric surgery from

University Bariatrics incorporates ongoing support, expert services and uses the whole wealth of experience to foster the best outcomes in the surgical weight loss. The Bariatric Surgery Program is simply unique in its approach since it directly addresses morbid obesity. There is multi-disciplinary team to help the patients attain a long-lasting weight loss results. So, keep away the life-threatening risk factors, improve your self-esteem and also enhance the daily living with the treatment procedures.

Get Rid Of Ugly Flab Forever With University Bariatrics

Different Surgical Procedures to Assist Weight Loss

Since the year 1950, a lot many surgical procedures are developed to trigger weight loss. Certain surgeries like duodenal switch and gastric bypass surgeries were performed much before. But now new surgical procedures are devised to curb obesity. Among all, bariatric surgery or gastric sleeve surgery is the prime one performed by the experts at the leading institute. The two most commonly performed surgeries include the LSG or the Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy and LRYGB or Laparoscopic Roux-en Y Gastric Bypass. Patients are sure to attain great results that will surely exceed the expectation.

The superb result attained by University Bariatric is attributed to the following:

  • Highly qualified surgery staff members who know exactly how to conduct bariatric surgery.
  • University Bariatric is the pioneering institute to offer the bariatric surgery.
  • It continues to be a pioneer in using the laparoscopic adjustable gastric band to attain the best results and in the apt cases.
  • The entire Bariatric Surgery Program is recognized for its excellence. Various independent organizations and associations such as ASMBS or American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery and others renewed the accreditation status of the center.

The Mode of Functioning proceeds by first recognizing whether you really need the bariatric surgery or not. You need to fill out the health and obesity questionnaire form and then email the form or drop it at the office. If you have BMI score exceeding 35, you are fit for it. The age must be in between 18 and 60. Only those having severe obesity or medical history are suitable candidates. University Bariatrics besides offering the needed surgery, prescribes an exercise program and the dietary changes that need to be made. But then, the ultimate decision of undergoing the surgery totally rests on you. Since it is your health, your life, you are free to take decisions.

Check out the website to find out treatment costs, the treatment procedures and how long it can takes to recover. Book a free consultation with the leading surgeons to know more.