Home & Garden

Tips For Cleaning and Decorating The Green Way

If you want to hit the refresh button on your home, you do not have to wait for the spring cleaning period to come. Simply find time to do it, then gear up, get the dusters, mops, cloths, sponges, wipes, and cleaners, and you can go wild on your house. To refresh the home even further, you can even do it in an eco-friendly manner which will not only keep your house clean, but the cleanliness might last longer, as well as contribute to your health and the state of the planet. And here is some advice on how to do it.

Tips For Cleaning and Decorating The Green Way

  • Move everything. Pile things up in the middle of the rooms. After you have cleaned the sides, move it back to finish up the cleaning. This will ease up your cleaning process and you will not have to constantly move things back and forth.
  • Switch to green cleaning products. You might be amazed about this, but your kitchen already contains most of the products you need to clean up the whole place. Go through the drawers and cabinets, and find the baking soda, some salt, a few lemons, and vinegar. They will do wonders for your home not only in the kitchen.
  • Start from top to bottom. Clean all the dirt and cobwebs on your ceiling, after that vacuum all that fell from there along with the dirt on the ground. You would marvel at how many people do the opposite and end up vacuuming the same floor twice.
  • Proceed with carpet cleaning. Use some vinegar, a bit of liquid detergent, and warm water to remove almost any stain that might be keeping a grip on it. If there is any odor coming from the carpet, rub some baking soda over the source to kill the smell. And, if you want a better smell, use lemon juice mixed with water to add some fragrance to the room.
  • Oven cleaning is easy when using salt or baking soda. Apply the material to a damp cloth, and scrub at the grime and grease until gone. Clean up with a wet sponge if any specks are left and leave it to dry.
  • Remove all your plastic. All the chemical-filled PVC containers are harmful to your home and the environment, so just dump them for recycling. If you need bottles, use reusable glass bottles, do not pile up all the plastic nature-damaging ones. If you want to make good use of them, apply them as decorations in your garden.
  • Greasy stains are easily removable with baking soda and lemon juice. You can use the same to clean up odors and replace them with a fresh lemony smell.
  • Decorate using your own art. There are as many ways to decorate your home with your own things as your imagination can muster. Just an afternoon with a pencil and paper can make a few sketch decorations. Personalize your place with your own creations.
  • And lastly, if you do not feel like doing all this cleaning, get a cleaning company to do it. There are many eco-conscious green house cleaning agencies that will do the same fresh house cleaning without any harm to the environment, and will provide for a clean and healthy home to live in. The professional cleaners are becoming more and more green, so just find one that fits your budget. For more ideas: docklandscarpetcleaners.org.uk