How To Make The Most Out Of Thrift Stores Clothing Discoveries

How To Make The Most Out Of Thrift Stores Clothing Discoveries

Shopping in thrift stores has always been a good thing, aside from having to spend less to look good, it also reduces an enormous amount of environmental impact. Thrift shopping also lessens the need to buy expensive stuff, thus having to spend less and save more.

Quality is always better than quantity, and being in a world full of expensive items, you must be wise in deciding what to buy. Most stores already ensure the quality of the pre-loved items they offer, and it doesn’t hurt to try different stores in your neighborhood when you want to purchase high-quality secondhand items.

Thus, it is essential that people must reflect on how to make the most out of their thrift shop clothing discoveries, as it ensures they buy quality products without having to spend more. With luck, the following tips can help you make the most out of your thrift stores clothing discoveries.

Look for Quality Brands

How To Make The Most Out Of Thrift Stores Clothing Discoveries

Just because clothes from the thrift stores are cheap, it does not mean you should purchase a lot of it. Know how to control your impulse purchases and avoid clothes which can be easily worn out. Remember, quality remains king above all, and high-quality clothes always look better than cheap fabrics.

Look for branded items that have the reputation to produce high-quality products that are made to last a long time. With this, there’s assurance that even when you bought it from a thrift shop, the quality remains.

Although it costs a bit more, natural fibers will still look good even after a long time. Consider buying cotton, leather, and linen, and try to avoid clothes that are made out of materials such as polyester, or nylon, as these type of materials can be easily worn out.

Know Where To Shop

How To Make The Most Out Of Thrift Stores Clothing Discoveries

Familiarize yourself with different thrift stores that are available, and make sure you that will go to places that are rich in people as more people would potentially mean more quality items, increasing the chances of finding the quality products and clothes that you aim to buy.

Before going to a thrift shop, consider knowing the different services that they offer. When do they restock the shelves? Most stores restock only once per week, and by finding out the exact dates, you are at an advantage in finding quality stuff. You can find more quality items at online sources such as Seed Heritage.

Are there any discount days? Thrift shops do events to clear their racks, and significant cuts could mean more money saved or more clothes bought! By knowing vital information like these, you can strategically know where to find your quality pre-loved items and when to buy them. Besides,  a nice discount never hurts!

Know the Trends

How To Make The Most Out Of Thrift Stores Clothing Discoveries

Fashion is a process that keeps on repeating. The trending fashion accessory from last month could differ from the month after. That is why it is important to take notes of certain trends that are present.

Are chokers still a thing? Are people using gold accessories? Then go ahead to the thrift stores and start looking for products that manifest the current trends. You might find vintage stuff that is old but is current. This way, you are not just saving money from buying them at a low price, you will also look trendy and fashionable.

Know How to Launder Correctly

How To Make The Most Out Of Thrift Stores Clothing Discoveries

It’s always nice to use the new things that you just bought, but before wearing clothes from the thrift shop, you must also know how to wash them properly. Checking the item’s launder tag can help, since some items might be suitable for just regular washing, while some might require hand washing.

After separating the items that are delicate, collect the clothes that can go through a washing machine and choose a hot water cycle as hot water helps in sanitizing your new purchases, ensuring and preserving the quality of the product that you bought.

Areas that need pretreatment such as the armpit area of shirts may require extra attention, but once done, you can toss the items in the washing machine. Remember to always take the time in laundering your newly purchased items before wearing them. For it to look refined and excellent, correctly cleaning them is a must.

Remove Signs of Wear

How To Make The Most Out Of Thrift Stores Clothing Discoveries

Let’s face it, not all clothes from the thrift store are perfect. Some might contain slight imperfections. Checking for wears and removing them can be done quite quickly.

If clothes like sweater contain signs of pilling, a simple razor could do the trick. With a light hand, gently push and draw the razor down in the direction of the fabric’s surface to easily remove bits of “bobbles.” But remember to be extra careful in using the razor as it can create a hole in the clothing.

If you bought an item which contains extravagant designs and the embellishments look odd and worn, removing them can be a good idea. Grab a sharp piece of scissors and cut out the sequins that seem outdated, odd, or just plain worn. It can make a much-improved look for the clothing.

Sprucing up your secondhand clothes could take hours or some could just take minutes, but if that means they’ll look new, then go for it.


Buying pre-loved items at thrift stores can mean a deep discount on clothes, which means a significant amount of savings. But when shopping at stores like these, one must always remember that quality is forever superior to quantity.

Take your time to look for clothes which look good as new, or if not, look for items that are easily repairable. By doing this, you can be confident about the things you just bought. Thrift shopping is almost always in our budget, and to have a better experience in thrift shopping, being wise never gets old.