Essential Oil: Lavender Oil Offer Surprising Health Benefits

Essential Oil: Lavender Oil Offer Surprising Health Benefits

Lavender oil is one of the most popular and commonly used essential oils in the today’s world due to its offered surprising benefits, originally discovered over more than 2000 years ago. This lavender oil is used both cosmetically and therapeutically due to its powerful calming, antioxidant, antidepressant and other health supporting properties. The lavender oil also very useful in aromatherapy and for some aromatic combinations and other preparations.

Essential Oil: Lavender Oil Offer Surprising Health Benefits

The lavender oil is generally extracted from the fragrant flowers of the lavender plant. The lavender flowers are fragrant in nature and have been utilized for making potpourri for ages. Earlier, people used to make perfumes with the lavender essential oil.

A strong reason for it’s increasing popularity is that the oil from the lavender plant boast tons of health-supporting benefits. Let’s take a look at few of the surprising health benefits of using lavender essential oil.


The smell of lavender oil is vigorous for several types of bugs like moths, mosquitoes, and many others. Applying a few drops of lavender oil on the exposed skin before stepping outside can greatly prevent irritating insect bites. In fact, if you do happen to get bitten by any of the allergic bugs, the lavender oil with several anti-inflammatory qualities can reduce the irritation level and pain occurred because of the bites.


Lavender essential oil induces restful and peaceful sleep and this is why it is also used as an alternative treatment for insomnia or other sleeping disorder. A research study on senior citizens shows an improved and increased the sleeping time when the normal sleep medication of senior citizens was replaced with lavender essential oil. If you are also facing a sleeping disorder than try adding lavender oil to the pillow at bedtime or using a lavender essential eye pillow.


Massaging the scalp with lavender oil on a daily basis helps to avoid hair loss, thereby encouraging hair growth. Lavender oil is greatly useful for hair care as it has been shown to be quite effective on dandruff, lice, and nits. Another research study shows that lavender essential, oil has also been helpful in the treatment of the alopecia, a disease where body tends to reject its own hair follicle. Also, lavender essential oil is often recommended as a preventive measure for male or female baldness.


Many evidence suggests that aromatherapy could be helpful in controlling body pain, while another research proves that regular foot massage with the lavender oil could be helpful in dealing with symptoms of chronic pain. This oil is also known as the best remedy for several types of pains including those caused by muscular aches, pains, sore and tense muscles, joints pain and backaches.


Lavender oil has a lot more to offer in terms of health, and it’s not only the lavender essential oil that is so good for you. The flowers of lavender plants themselves are also very beneficial.