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Business & Finance

Say Yes To Relevant Content: 6 Ways To Develop The Right Content For Your Business

Some marketers believe they can create winning brands by putting any kind of content out there. They think they can get away with even substandard material. They couldn’t be more wrong! The content you publish in the digital world reflects the brand you are. Boring or uninteresting content can lead to readers not taking your brand seriously. A more dangerous consequence of bad content could be a dip in reputation which takes a brand several years to build.


Content should be taken very seriously. It’s not only about creating as much content as possible but about maintaining high standards of readable material that can attract customers and convert non believers. According to a study conducted by web Analytics Company Chart beat in 2013, most readers only get through about 60 per cent of any piece of content. This clearly indicates a gap between what content marketers are publishing and what users are interested in reading.

So how can you ensure your brand churns highly-readable material every time:

  1. Publish helpful content: Your content should genuinely be helpful to readers. Let’s take an example. Say you sell mortgage solutions. This topic may seem boring to a layman but not so much to someone looking out for mortgage. Here’s your chance to prove your worth. Publish content that can genuinely answer questions and doubts of interested parties. Post a blog that talks about what mortgage is and how you can simplify the mortgage process. When dealing with niche products, focus on making your piece as educational as possible.
  1. Be approachable: Sound firm but friendly. Create content in a manner that showcases how approachable and customer-friendly you are. Address your readers directly and keep your tone more personalized.
  1. Deal with specific content: Users don’t want to read broad and generic material. They want crisp and clear answers. Make broad segments, but under each, have content on narrowed down topics. For example, if you want to write about digital technologies, don’t start with digital advertising. It’s a vast topic.
  1. Tell stories: If you are formulating content for a niche industry, say warranty management, marketing it to people who don’t understand the area can be difficult. So, what you can do is, introduce the concepts and products through stories and analogies so anyone can people.
  1. Keep it short and simple: More verbose an article is, higher is the chance of it being ignored. If you want readers to peruse and understand your content and ultimately convert, present your content in an interesting format. Use plenty of visuals and infographics to explain your points. Plug in testimonials from happy customers.
  1. Be mobile-responsive: Another important aspect to keep in mind is that users today heavily use mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. In fact, more purchases are made through these devices than desktops. So, specific content should be created for different devices. Don’t dump the same content you use for your desktop website on to your mobile site. Simple changes such as a different font or new call to action can make a huge difference.

These are just some of the many tips that you can use to create interesting content for your brand. Content marketing after all, is all about placing the right material in the right place for the right audience.

Author Bio:

Preethi Vagadia is currently a Senior Business architect with the Service operations practice at a well-known IT Industry in Bangalore. She has worked in several process improvement projects involving multi-national teams for global customers. She has over 8 years of experience in mortgage technology and has successfully executed several projects in logistics management, logistics integration, reverse logistics, marketing campaign management solutions, warranty software and programmatic solutions.