Computers & Tech

How To Choose Project Management Software For Your Organization

If your organization decides to implement a project management software, you want to ensure that your investment will pay off. A solution software will not result in higher productivity and efficiency in an organization if employees refuse to use it or the software doesn’t apply to the needs of your projects very well.

Once you determine there is a need for a project management solution in your organization, you also need to identify what type of a project management you need. You should consider whether you will have to track the budget and prepare invoices for your projects.

Web-based software

The selection of the base of your software can differ depending on the industry you are in. For easier maintenance, selecting a web-based service, or a web-browser version. This version is cost-effective and relatively easy to use. Web-based software has a big advantage in employee’s mobility because it can be accessed from anywhere at any time.

If you decided to install an actual software, be prepared for some extra software managing on your behalf. Web-based software is usually automatically upgraded as system enhancements become available.

How To Choose Project Management Software For Your Organization

Ask your employees for their opinions

Choosing the right software to fit your organization is best accomplished by including them in the search for the management solution. Each department has a goal they want to reach. Using a software should help them in reaching this goal. Project managers should encourage them to give ideas about what they need to complete projects efficiently. This will boost their self-esteem and they will be more willing to implement and use the software once it’s been purchased.

The project management software should work well with already existing programs and communication means. If the main communication is done via email, then the software should have an email alert set up to engage the team.

Simple use and advance software

Software should be fairly simple and include features that enable an organization to custom the needs to the needs of their organization. The solution should fit your business and adjust as needed. Project management solution should offer advanced features as the company is growing.

Train and prepare your team adequately

Ensuring everyone is on board is best done through trainings. As soon as the new software is introduced, there should be multiple trainings. Each session should end with employees being excited for this software. Sessions should also provide workers with their login information. As soon as the whole department is trained, a manager should post their first task through the project management software.

With this first task, employees can practice what they’ve learned throughout the sessions, i.e. how to post and attach files. In case if employees have any questions, there should be someone able to answer those. The software provider should have a video tutorial available at all times to remind them how to use the software.

Always assign a project manager

Make sure the projects are being overseen at all times. Assigned project manager should track the process and point to any mistakes or misdirection the team or the project is going in. Otherwise, waiting to see the results can create issues and a lot of unnecessary mess. Project manager should also regularly communicate with the team and keep up with the updates as needed.

Jensen Carlyle is a freelance writer with an interest in business topics, and is currently researching JobTraQ, a Lean BPM solution.