
Top 5 Tactics to Improve Your Blog

Every single day you check in and look at how your blog is performing. And every single time, you stare down the numbers before your screen: “100 people visited this site.” The three-digit number stares right back at you long enough that you feel like it starts to sear itself on your forehead, almost like a mark of shame. Clearly, what you are doing right now is not working. It is high time you took a serious look at how you run your blog and the sort of content you produce.

The following are five tactics you may want to consider doing for your blog in order to improve traffic.

1. Show — do not just tell. 

Billions of videos are being downloaded globally. More and more people want to be able to find out about a product or how certain products work, about businesses or highly rated businesses like the best phone service, about current events all over the world … essentially, just about anything they want to find out, they will find out by watching videos. If you still do not have video on your blog, you are likely to lose a significant volume of visitors because people would rather watch than read.

People have a short attention span and videos allow them to stick around and explore your blog. Videos make people pay attention especially when it features a pleasing personality because the brain is hard-wired to use the human face as a source for obtaining information. Even big businesses have latched on to this idea as Internet Retailer, recognized authority on e-commerce, reports that the top 50 online retailers have featured more than 1,000 videos on their websites and six retailers had more than 1,000 videos on YouTube. Meanwhile, Forbes ran an article on how online videos are critical to content marketing objectives.

2. Integrate Podcasts

Podcasts are just another way for you to deliver your content and make it more interesting. You do not even need to create an entirely new topic to produce a podcast. You may even just convert an existing post in your blog to audio format. You can even syndicate it to relevant sources. You do need to make it interesting and make sure that it will add value to your blog visitor’s life. Why are podcasts essential to building your audience? Independent marketing research agency eMarketer has revealed that podcasts get 25 million active listeners.

3. Create a Community and increase your Audience

Reach out to your audience because the success and longevity of your blog depends on the loyalty of those who visit and share it. Doing this will entail building a forum, encouraging queries, discussions or dialogue about your posts and whatever else relates to those posts, and responding to every comment — positive and otherwise.

4. Do not be Lazy and always Post Daily

Never neglect to update your blog. When you consistently fail to post new content, be it an article or a video, your audience will most likely lose interest and be swayed to find other similar blogs that feature newer articles, videos, or podcasts.

5. Have a Purpose

Give people a reason to visit and share your blog by delivering content that matters. Your blog right now may be suffering from the “Seinfeld” syndrome, which may mean that you might be writing about nothing. While it certainly worked for the wildly successful sitcom, the concept of writing about nothing might not fly with most blog audiences. Try to have a purpose, a theme, or a solid topic for your blog. It does not have to resolve real world issues (e.g. world peace, world hunger, global climate, etc.); it just has to have a unifying theme.