
5 Marketing Campaigns for Smartphones

The battle for the best marketing campaigns for Smartphones is soaring high as each mobile phone manufacturer tries to create their own marketing scheme in order to upkeep with the competition. With the growing numbers of mobile users, the mobile market and industry becomes a multi-million business. Every mobile phone users are quite anticipatory of the latest Smartphone devices that will soon hit the market and ready to grab every opportunity to get the latest with the most advanced features to offer them.

With this increasing demand for mobile devices, Smartphone manufacturer companies now dispense from creating their own applications but rather expand to tie up with giant mobile technology developers in order to bring more advances on their mobile technology resources and development. This strategy is further reinforced with these 5 unique and interesting marketing campaigns for Smartphones that make a Smartphone a bestseller:

1.      Go waterproof!

In order to impress mobile users, the Sony Xperia Z was concocted with a design of a Smartphone that comes with a promising feature of being waterproof. This marketing trick certainly amazed and catch the attention of mobile users. The Sony Xperia Z is also dust proof. Sony banked on the waterproof feature of their Smartphone device in their Smartphone marketing campaign and it certainly caused waves of interest in the mobile industry. Now, Sony takes it further to bring the same feature on their tablets which further caused interest to the crowd. Part of their marketing strategy is showing off their devices inside a sealed water tank that is connected to a button which visitors can press down in order to dip the tank deep into the water. This is certainly a Smartphone marketing that can awaken curiosity.

2.      Smoked by Windows Phone

Microsoft has its own marketing tactic for promoting their Smartphone device, the Windows Phone. While Microsoft lagged quite a bit for a while on their mobile market, it was back in delivering a unique Smartphone marketing campaign through its Smoked by Windows Phone challenge. The challenge involves a straightforward rule where the participant should only prove that they are using a mobile device that could run faster as compared to the Windows Phone by performing mobile tasks such as snapping pictures and post the image on social media sites. Windows Phone emerges to win in the majority (about 98%) of the challenge and the winners take the device on the street and people started buying the phone.

3.      Teaser video

When the Samsung S4 seized the third spot for the top chart of Smartphone Android spy sales in the UK, many were surprised. With the Apple iPhone 5 and iPhone 4s as the front-runners on the first two top positions, Samsung S4 unexpectedly dropped HTC down to top 4 and takes its place as the 3rd on the top UK phone chart. The marketing secret of Samsung comes from the teaser marketing video of a precocious child wearing a suit who was able to take a peek on the S4. This was definitely a carefully orchestrated Smartphone marketing that Samsung was able to pull successfully as it sparks the curiosity of many mobile users to buy the Samsung S4.

4.      Exclusivity marketing


Apple is able to pull off a quite risky strategy of marketing their first iPhone generation when it signed up its Smartphone with exclusivity to AT&T as its exclusive carrier in the US market. First, it bombarded the public with several ads showing how the iPhone is able to address the basic needs of mobile users which includes the convenience of finding all important buttons on a single screen which appear as display icons found directly on the iPhone screen. On its release, they embark on the exclusivity of their Smartphone despite the risk of compromising its sale quantity. The effect was amazingly opposite when people started using the iPhone as a Smartphone with powerful and sophisticated features to brag to friends and boost one’s social standing.  Many people started buying the device to become part of the exclusivity circle of using the iPhone. Thus, the marketing principle of Apple is simple. Make the chase difficult in order to intrigue more buyers and make the sales rise!

5.      Higlighting on specific features

 Every Smartphone in the market has their own specific features which are used in order to market the device. Manufacturers often concentrate on advertising a particular function of their device and highlight it to obtain consumer interests and curiosity. Nokia for instance decided to concentrate their Smartphone marketing campaign on the Nokia Lumia camera capability that is best in low light scenarios. Immediately as soon as the word spreads around on this unique feature of the Smartphone, mobile users begin to want to own the device. Smartphones are always built with different unique features which its manufacturers capitalize in their Smartphone marketing campaigns. The manner on how they could spark the consumer’s curiosity is highly dependent upon the ingenuity of the Smartphone marketing they employ to strike the highest sale in the mobile market.