
High-End Camera Smartphones Battle – Nokia Lumia is Clearly The Winner

We see several flagship smartphones coming from different manufacturers each year. A few of them are pretty obvious i.e iPhone, Galaxy S(X) and a Nexus smartphone – these are a few of those smartphones which we see coming every year while creating a great overhaul in the smartphone market. All these smartphones always come with some special combination of specs, in which, camera is one of the main things – they are always above 8MP.

Well, in the previous year, we did not only see these smartphones coming and creating a overhaul in the smartphone market but also saw the first time ever, wireless chargeable Nokia Lumia 920, Xperia Z and Blackberry 10 (early 2013). And, as a matter of fact Nokia Lumia 920 did not only amaze the people with its wireless charging capability but also with its Pure View 8.7 MP camera.

Although, there are those smartphones as well which boast a 13 MP camera for example the Xperia Z but the pixel density is not the only thing which matters when we take into account the camera. The Pure View capability of Nokia Lumia 920 has simply overwhelmed the power of all the other smartphone cameras. Well, if you don’t believe it, then we have a piece ready for you to prove it. –

Camera Samples of Nokia Lumia 920, Xperia Z and Blackberry 10

Analysis of Camera Samples

First of all, I must appreciate all the camera samples mentioned above and give the courtesy to Times of India for them. Now coming to the analysis part, for instance, it looks like that the camera of Blackberry gives us the best snapshot. But if you take these samples a bit more critical then I can guarantee you, that is not the case. Before getting deeper, let me acquaint you guys to the conditions in which these photos were taken; all these images are taken in mid day light and then in low light conditions.

So now, assuming that you know about the conditions in which these photographs were taken and can very well imagine them. Let’s begin with the analysis.

Nokia Lumia 920

The first look on the snapshot given above makes us realize that the detail of the photo is a bit deficient but when we look at the spot in which there is low light, then we realize that Nokia Lumia 920’s camera handles the contrast really well in low light conditions and does not make the image look too much artificial and edited.

Sony Xperia Z

As I said before, the pixel density is not the only thing which must be considered while ranking a camera, because you can clearly see that the image which has been captured from Xperia Z has an imbalanced contrast and high levelled brightness. Which, at the end of the day, makes the snapshot look unprofessional. Or to be more precise, the camera of Xperia Z has no sense of handling vivacious colours.

Blackberry 10

The camera sample of Blackberry 10 is on the middle of the stick where as the Xperia Z is on the lower end and Nokia Lumia 920 is on the upper end. Blackberry 10 gives really good results in normal day light but when you look at the low light areas, there, you can easily judge that it can’t handle even a bit of brightness in low light conditions.

Winner- Of course, Nokia Lumia 920 is the winner for today, its Pure View capability has simply done the job.