
How to Create a Non-Negotiable Workout Routine

It is so easy to commit to our fitness, and then let everything go out of the window. Non-negotiable workout routines are exactly what they sound like. Even when you don’t feel like working out you still show up. That is the attitude of someone who is trying to smash their goals, and you can also be that person. With structure, determination, and a bit of extra support, you can become the fitness fanatic that you have always dreamed of. In this blog post, we will share how you can create a non-negotiable fitness regime, and how to also make the process of starting as easy as possible. Take a look at the following suggestions:


Wake up at a set time daily 


First of all, a good workout starts with waking up and having a good start. Studies show that the best time to work out and utilise your energy during the day is first thing in the morning. For this reason, it would be a good idea if you wake up at a set time daily. No more hitting the snooze. You need to set a time that allows you enough time to wake up gently and be prepared for a good workout and a good day. For example, if you start work at 9 am, start getting up an hour and a half earlier than you already would to fit in time for your workout. Set realistic time frames that mean your workout fits into your schedule. Yes, this might mean you need to wake up earlier, but starting the habit of waking up earlier will benefit you in the long run.


Make your workout as convenient as possible


Making your workouts non-negotiable also means making sure that they are convenient for you to do while you are in the early stages of building the habit. For example, if your gym is a 2-hour commute from your home, this will be difficult to go consistently. It would be a good idea to start off doing home workouts, runs, or going to a gym that is close to your home to avoid being tempted to skip a day. Making the habit of working out seems convenient as possible is the best way to embed it into your routine. Go to the gym that is a 10-minute walk from your house, or buy some weights to do workouts from your own home.


Walk 10,000 steps a day 


Working out is not just the process of pushing your body to the limits. You should also be doing at least 10,000 steps each day to get your body engaged in low-intensity exercise, and also make sure that you are staying consistently active. Sticking to walking 10,000 steps should be another non-negotiable part of your daily exercise. Start doing this by getting off a stop earlier from your workplace, or even going for an evening stroll for an hour once the day is done. It would also be a good idea to do these walks in fresh air if you live near nature.


Set your workout clothes out the night before


Off the topic of making things convenient, setting your workout clothes the day before is another way to stay consistent. Saving yourself as much time as possible in the morning will make the process of getting to the gym seem much less difficult. Lay out your favourite fitness garments, and be ready to dress yourself first thing to avoid climbing back into bed.


Have an accountability partner 

Accountability partners are great for supporting you in creating the habit of working out and also having someone to answer to if you try to skip workouts. Typically, your accountability partner should be knowledgeable in fitness or someone who is trying to reach a goal like you. You can check in with them each workout, and let them know that you are not skipping the season. Arrange weekly calls to discuss what progress has been made, and motivate each other when the momentum starts to slip.


Enlist the help of a trainer 


If you are looking for professional guidance in starting a non-negotiable fitness routine, it would be a good idea to hire a personal trainer. Don’t get us wrong, personal trainers can be tough. Tough us what you need when you are lacking drive and inspiration for workouts. They can track your progress, and also personalise your workouts for you. This support is sometimes what we need to stay on track, as having someone shout at you to keep pushing is the tough love needed for change! 


Buy helpful accessories 


Having a non-negotiable workout regime is hard, but giving yourself near gear and gadgets to improve your performance is great for boosting your drive to continue. Accessories such as supportive fitness trainers, and also fitness-tracking watches are worth the investment. If you have ever felt like you have put all of the effort in with no reward, getting a fitness watch is key for tracking your calories burnt, heart rate, and even blood pressure for some models. You can even personalise your own watches, so if a NATO Watch strap is more your thing, you can accessorise your device.


Stick at things until you see change 


One mistake that many people make is switching up their workout routines too quickly before they get to see results. If for example you have been recommended running and weights by your trainer and you can not see a physical change, keep going. You will see the difference when you least expect it. Stick to the workouts that work for most for now, keep it simple, and then later down the line consider switching things up once the workout becomes non-negotiable.


Reward your efforts 


Finally, if you want to create a workout plan that you genuinely love, make sure you are rewarding your efforts. This means that if you have visited the gym 5 times in a row with no breaks, why not get an ice cream with a loved one? As much as it can be tempting to binge after being strict, never let the temptation overpower the progress that has been made. Treat yourself, but not too much!


Bottom line


Overall, making the effort to create a non-negotiable workout routine is an achievement in itself. Spend some finding what works for you, and then create a weekly plan that you can stick to that does not get interrupted.


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