
Learning More About Your Pet Cat

If you’ve got a pet cat, then the least you should do is learn a little more about it. When you know your pet cat better, you can take better care of it, and enjoy a better relationship! If there are things your cat does that confuse you, if it sometimes shifts in mood from affection to aggression and you don’t know why, then it’s time to learn a bit more about your cat!

Stomach Trouble

One of the most common health problems your pet cat can experience is an upset stomach: they hunt and forage, they can pick up infections and parasites, even changing them to a new food could cause an attack of vomiting!

Advice is always changing, and you might find yourself with questions: “Do I need to take my cat to the vet?” “Should I starve a cat with diarrhea?” “Is my cat seriously ill?”

In most cases of diarrhea and vomiting, your cat will recover quickly. Don’t starve them – offer them small, regular, easily digestible meals and plenty of water, and you should see your cat recover inside 48 hours. If the condition persists, or you notice other worrying symptoms, then a visit to the vet is in order – there’s no such thing as being too concerned about your pet’s wellbeing!. In these situations, the best care for your pets is important; therefore, an insurance plan for your pet makes sense since it is likely to simplify administrative processes and avoid unnecessary expenses, as well as the possibility of waiving medication and hospitalization expenses.


One of the main reasons many people get cats is to share love and affection, and cats can enjoy human contact, purring as you stroke them, curling up on your lap and going to sleep. It’s important to remember, though, that your cat is an independent creature, not a toy to play with – if you treat them with respect, you’re both likely to have a better relationship and your cat is less likely to lash out!

Look for warning signs like a lashing tail, twitching skin or bursts of grooming – these are all your cat’s way to warn you off from unwanted contact.

While you’re stroking a cat, look for signs of enjoyment like purring, an upright tail, and them choosing to lean into the contact. If their mood starts to change, respect – back away and you’ll build trust and avoid aggression.

Cats Going Hunting

If you keep your cat well fed, you might wonder why it still chooses to stalk and kill prey. It’s not being ungrateful – a cat’s instinct to hunt isn’t linked to it’s feeling full. It’s an inbuilt instinct, though their choice to eat hunted prey may be learned in infancy so if you have a cat from a kitten it’s less likely to hunt regularly.

If you’re worried about the dangers posed by your cat hunting, you can encourage it to exercise those instincts safely elsewhere: hide food and treats for your cat to sniff out, and play games that simulate the stalking, hunting experience. Don’t overfeed your cat! It won’t stop it hunting, but it poses health risks of its own.

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