
10 Common Plastic Surgery Complications

Plastic surgery is like any type of surgery, that may lead to complications ranging from an unusual final result to scarring or even death. Many people simply assume that some procedures such as plastic surgery aren’t as serious compared to other types of surgery, yet all surgery, even dental procedures can lead to serious complications.

In order to reduce the risk of having complications make sure to choose a certified plastic surgeon who is experienced in performing your chosen procedure. Also, always remember that some surgeons don’t want to perform on current smokers because the final outcome may not be as good. In addition, having a healthy diet before and after the procedure can help you recover faster and improve wound closure, thus minimizing scarring.

Here are some possible complications associated with reconstructive plastic surgery that may include, but may not be limited to, the following:


All types of surgery are at risk for infection. Make sure that your plastic surgeon is frequent in handwashing and performs proper wound care to minimize or prevent infection.

Complications of Anesthesia

Anesthesia is the use of medication to make you unconscious that allows an outpatient to undergo surgery without feeling the procedure. However, a number of anesthesia-related complications are considered to be the most common cause of plastic surgery deaths based on research.

Most Common Anesthesia Complications

Nerve Damage

A common after plastic surgery complications that occur in all types of surgical procedures, often temporary but sometimes permanent. It comes from nerves that have been severed during the surgery, and it may result in an inability to make facial expressions or many more.


it’s usually common after the surgery but is not always predictable but can be controlled in most cases. Patients could reduce the risk of scarring by giving up smoking, a balanced diet during and after the surgery, and able to follow advice from your plastic surgeon during recovery. Follow these guidelines in order to achieve your desired attractive outcome without getting a scar.


A collection of blood outside the blood vessel that resembles a painful bruise. Considered common after plastic surgery, however there is a possibility that it may be large enough to cause pain and even decrease blood flow through the area. In addition, a plastic surgeon may advise you to have an additional procedure to help drain your blood pocket if it’s unusually large or growing rapidly using a syringe or other similar method.

General Appearance Dissatisfaction

Most people are satisfied with their postoperative outcomes and based on studies most women are satisfied with breast augmentation surgery. But still, discontentment is realistically possible for example on people who undergo breast surgery may have contouring problems or visually unappealing facial surgery.


A condition similar to Hematoma, it’s a collection of lymphatic fluid around the area of injury. In a Seroma, pocket fluid under the surface of your skin appears after an extensive procedure or weeks after the surgery if it’s considered large in appearance, the plastic surgeon may advise removing the fluid with a syringe. 

Blood Clots

This complication is relatively uncommon for plastic surgery. It is a condition where blood clots form in deep veins, usually developing in the leg. Most Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) require medical attention but are not life-threatening unless the clot begins to move through the veins toward the heart and lungs.

Blood Loss

In all kinds of cosmetic and plastic surgery, some blood loss is expected on the operating table. It only becomes a concern when it is excessive, or continues after the wound should have healed. Take note that unusual blood loss can lead to several potentially deadly consequences so make sure you choose a skilled plastic surgeon to ensure your safety.


A Tissue death or Necrosis can be caused by the surgery or may arise after the procedure. In most cases, it is completely absent or minor, and normal wound healing removes any dead tissue from the incision area.

To ensure your safety and get the best result, make sure to consult a licensed and accredited plastic surgeon. Also, remember to do your research regarding the procedure so you’ll know what risk and complication that may possibly occur during and after the surgery.

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