
Michael Saltzstein – 2 Key Steps To An Effective Risk Management Strategy

Risk refers to events or sudden change in circumstances which have negative effects on the commercial operations of business owners. These scenarios can arise from a wide variety of reasons. In many cases, business owners may make certain wrong decisions with disastrous consequences for their units in the long-run. This puts immense pressure on their business’ cash flow position. In certain instances, they may hardly have any control over the occurrence of these negative events. For instance, when there is a recession in the economy. This is why they need to prepare a proper risk management strategy to counter these untoward events that lead to adverse results for their company.

Michael Saltzstein – What steps do Business Owners need to take to implement a Good Risk Management Strategy?

Michael Saltzstein is a popular professional from America who specializes in risk management. He offers a diverse range of solutions to manage business risks. These could include alternative channels of potential financing hazards, loss control measures, actuarial studies, and introducing occupational safety programs. He also encourages many of his clients to implement workers’ compensation policies. Many of them even admit he is versatile enough to collaborate with them to come up with viable solutions when it comes to risk management.

An Insight into Business Risk Management

He states owners need to understand why they cannot operate their businesses without incurring potential risks. Fortunately, they can anticipate and minimize the impact of these hazards on their businesses. For this, they need to prepare and implement an effective risk management strategy. In doing so, they need to keep in mind the following three steps:

1) Identify and Assess Potential Risks to Business Units

The first step business owners need to take is to evaluate their entire internal operations. They have got to identify areas where potential hazards are likely to occur in order to minimize their effects. For this, they may have to go through previous safety records and complaints with their senior staff. The owners need to take into account external risks, which are likely to have a negative impact on their revenue.

2) How to Handle the Potential Risks of a Business?

Once business owners have been able to identify potential risks to their businesses, they need to find a way to manage them.  They can take measures to avoid these risks by revamping their business processes or upgrading their equipment. If this is not possible, they can reduce the risks by improving staff training or introducing new safety procedures. Finally, they can transfer these risks by taking out an insurance policy for their business.

According to Michael Saltzstein, business risks can play havoc on the owners’ commercial operations, revenue, and assets. Fortunately, they can minimize the effects of these hazards by implement a suitable risk management strategy. In doing so, they need to identify potential risks to their business, take steps to introduce policies to manage and monitor them effectively. This can work wonders for their businesses, and they will be able to reduce costs and save money.

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