
Why you need to get a Sanitary Napkin incinerator today

Do you know the amount of garbage disposed sanitary napkins results in, in India? Well studies suggest that the amount to almost close to 9,000 tonnes! Yes, that’s right, that is a lot of garbage and it has been estimated that to get rid of it completely, one will require quite a lot of years and by that time, you will have another ton of garbage ready. 

And that’s not all, used sanitary napkin incinerator are also a store house of diseases and hence manual scavengers who work with disposal contract various life threatening diseases in a bid to keep our surroundings clean. So what can be done about it? How can we do our bit, so that this problem can be kept in check? 

The answer is a simple and effective one – Sanitary Napkin Destroyer. 

A sanitary napkin incinerator or destroyer is basically a machine which helps you in not disposing off your napkin, wrapped in a newspaper. Once you are done using the napkin, when it comes to disposing it off, do not reach for the bin; instead, reach for this destroyer. Why? Well, when you place the used sanitary pad in there, using electrical energy, the used napkin will be burnt. Once you burn it, the problem of waste goes away! 

Not convinced? Well here are some practical reasons for which a sanitary napkin incinerator is a need of the hour: 

So, not only is using a sanitary napkin incinerator a good choice, but it is also a smart one. Say goodbye to your waste disposal worries and go ahead and opt for a sanitary napkin destroyer today!

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