
A Self-Study Guide For Students Studying Accountancy

Accountancy can be a tricky subject to prepare, giving attention only is class does not work if the students want to secure good marks. Apart from school classes and tuition, self-study works wonders exam preparation.

Some students find easy to maintain the self-study schedule, it is equally difficult for few to manage the schedule.

Here are a few tips that can be easily implemented for an effective self-study.

1. Find the time to study

It is important to devote a major portion of the day to study. Instead of abruptly starting to study for 9-10 hours and stressing yourself, try to follow the below given steps to have an ease and focused study routine, which will eventually help you to roll up the study hours later.

2. Time Management

Once the study time has been set, the next aspect of self-studying would be ‘How to manage the time effectively”. An ideal self-study strategy would be studying without any disturbance continuously for 3 hours. Make sure to create an atmosphere exactly like an examination hall.

Few important points to keep in mind are.

3. Practice, practice & Practice

Practice a lot during this time. Apart from CBSE NCERT books, practice accountancy sample paper class 12 and accountancy sample paper class 11 to understand the concepts better.

Apart from following all the above steps, accountancy sample paper class 11, solve old question papers, take mock-tests, and quizzes too. For more information in CBSE Class, 11 commerce subjects stay tuned to BYJU’S.

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