
This Christmas, Give Your Kids’ Room a Makeover

this the festivity of Christmas is upon us. Aren’t you excited already?

Make this 25th December the best ever-for yourself and the whole family! Don’t just settle for a regular Christmas tree, feast on delicious food and call it a day. Go beyond this cliched tradition to spread more joy. Give your kids a whole different festive experience this year by upping your gift-game.

No, we aren’t talking about gifting your children something expensive. We’re talking about being smart and thoughtful with your idea.

How about giving their room a surprise makeover? They have been asking for that for quite some time now, you know. OR, even if not, you know they are bored with the same-old room.

The idea isn’t just less expensive but also assure to delight your little ones to the next level.

Here are 5 tips to give your kids’ room a perfect makeover this Christmas:

  1. Buy enough time

It’s a surprise! So, you need to make sure that the kids stay away from the house for sufficient time until the makeover is done. Depending on the kind of changes you are looking to make, plan accordingly.

Can you refine the room by the time they return from their school? Or do you require a whole day? If you want more time, plan ahead and send the kids to Nana’s or Aunt’s a weekend.

  1. Their favorite color

This one is quite a no-brainer! The more the room is packed with their favorite shade, the better. So, if you don’t already know the color that they like the most, ask them casually.

Once you know their liking, make changes in the room accordingly. For example, if the color of their room’s wall isn’t already in their fav shade, re-paint the walls. If the varieties and shades of the furniture aren’t to their likings, invest in new tables, chairs, and other items.

  1. Recall their demands

Remember all those times when they were asking you to buy something and you ignored their requests? Recall. What did they want? If it was something that would go in their room, this is possibly the best time to buy.

Was it a new study table? A new game? A bigger bed? Think of it. And add that item in the room.

  1. Wall arts and stickers

A kid’s room with clean and plain walls looks boring. So, spunk up the walls with wall arts and stickers. You can find such wall decors online at low price in virtually countless varieties. You can even custom order one.

Does your kid like Marvel superheroes? Does he still gush over Harry Potter movies? Does he like animals? Which is her/his favorite cartoon? Find out such answers and then decorate their room walls accordingly.

  1. Light it up

Install more and better lights in their room to make it brighter and livelier. Aside from the regular ones, invest in the fancier ones, like LEDdesk lamp, as well as solar camping lights and LED flashlight for their weekend play nights.

In addition, don’t just stick to the white ones. Also get lights of different color variations. And position them well across the room so the brightness is balanced evenly.

Be a different and wonderful parent this Christmas. Those paper-wrapped gifts are outdated now. Give your kids a better festive experience this year. Give their room a surprise makeover and see tthem loveyou even more.

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