
4 Scientifically Proven Arguments You Can Use To Negotiate Less Working Hours with Your Boss

What if leaving the office when the work is done is actually beneficial to you, your boss and the company?

Turns out, there are plenty of scientific reasons why that’s true. You can use the arguments below to share your point of view with your employer and negotiate a shorter workweek or working remotely as many millennials do.

1. You’ll be more creative if you work fewer hours.

More time off from work (in the form of vacations throughout the whole year or working fewer days per week or hours per day) has been shown to improve creativity and lead to better work output.

In addition, it allows workers to embrace mindfulness, sit back and relax, detach, and come back to work refreshed, with new ideas and desire to do a good job.

2. Working less helps you get more done.

While an employer has to see this to believe it, science has proven it plenty of times. Working longer hours interferes with your productivity levels. And investing less time in work-related activities lets you get more done.

To do it right and actually make the most of your working hours, don’t multitask but work on one thing at a time. Also, eliminate distractions to keep your focus for longer. Stop texting or scrolling your facebook until you accomplish your task.

3. It’s better for the environment.

Have you and your boss ever thought about helping the environment by being in the office less often? Turns out the business can go green by letting employees work fewer hours as that reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

Less commuting and not using electricity and technology for a whole 8-hour workday has helped reduce emissions by over 10,000 metric tons.

Also, when people have more free time, they tend to live more sustainably and attract people who make them happy. While a hectic lifestyle makes them use transport and other modern comforts more often.

4. It’s good for the economy too.

Last but not least, your boss will be helping the economy by shortening the workweek. 

One good reason, as shared on PBS, is this: “ The tax break would allow the employer to compensate workers for fewer hours up to some limit, say a maximum of $2,500 per worker. That would cut work hours but maintain staffing levels.”

Some countries like Germany and the Netherlands have already adopted the idea of working fewer hours per week and their economies are often considered more stable than those of the UK and even the US.

Now you’re prepared for a conversation with your boss. You have all the arguments to negotiate a shorter workweek. Good luck!

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