
All Vital Things to Know On Writing a Statement of Purpose for MBA in 2018/2019

statement of purpose for mba

Most students pass of the statement of purpose as just any other essay. It is for this reason that most university admission boards put much weight on your SOP. Your SOP speaks volumes about you as a person.

To stand out among all the other applicant, your SOP should sound brilliant and original. The following points are essential if you want to write a good statement of purpose for MBA.

1. Write stories, not statements

It is vital always to remember that you are not the only applicant. It is for this reason that you should strive to ensure that your SOP is memorable. There is nothing that will be more memorable to the panelists that a story.

A good MBA sop will entail much storytelling compared to just coherent and straightforward sentences.

2. Quantify your stories

There is no point to write an SOP if it does not contain relevant content. It should not read as though it were a thesis. Your stories should include measurable quantities of information about you and the school you wish to attend.

For instance, when applying for UF economic electives, try as much as possible and be clear on exactly what you want.

3. Be specific

You should make sure that whatever you say in your SOP entails what you want to the specifics. Make sure you dig into the details. Explain in detail why you would love to join a particular field and what you wish to get and bring into the institution.

4. Customize your essay

Many students make the mistake of sending the same SOP to different universities, while only changing the address. Always remember that no two universities are similar.

Customizing your essay allows you to personalize your piece, as such it will be relatable to you by anyone who reads it.

5. Use formal but conversational tone

Always keep in mind the fact that this is an official document. Even if you want your SOP to be captivating, ensure a formal tone is maintained to ensure success.

You need to find the appropriate balance between an official and conversational tone to increase your chances of success.

6. Chose on how you want to be seen and learn to portray thus indirectly

The SOP serves as a channel for showcasing who you are as a person. You could wish a consideration as a passionate or hardworking person that is all dependent on you. Always have in mind whatever aspect of yourself that you want to portray.

The best way to show your desired traits is to do it indirectly, as you do not want to come out as desperate.

7. Be real

Do not endeavor to create stories that will make you look good. The admissions board are well aware that no one is perfect. Write true stories about yourself. If you tailor the story, it will significantly increase your chances of acceptance.

8. Do your homework and ask for help?

Research and get as much information about the school. If you write the specifics on the school, you will come out as having a genuine interest in the school.

9. Proofread your work

Ensure that the final document you hand in is free from errors. A paper full of errors will show that you are not serious.


The above will go a long way in helping you write a successful SOP.

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