
Important Tips to Boost Your Following on the Popular Instagram Platform

Important Tips to Boost Your Following on the Popular Instagram Platform

Instagram is forecasted to get an additional 26.9 million users by 2020 in the United States. We know this is definitely much more as compared to Twitter, Facebook, or other popular social media platforms. Moreover, Instagram is boasting of higher adoption by the population of young adults. This effective social networking site is also experiencing the joys of increasing mobile ad revenues. This platform is surely having a gala time and this seems to be the golden era for them.

Instagram was able to swiftly outgrow its initial reputation as simply a photo-sharing, fun app for the young people and today it has become trustworthy and super-serious networking, content marketing, and audience-building tool for brands and individuals alike. Instagram posts are known to enjoy the highest levels of consumer engagement that seems to be over 58x higher as compared to Facebook.

Of course, 58 times more as compared to Facebook really sounds great but you could achieve much higher levels of engagement. Even if you are a well-known Instagram brand or maybe contemplating ways to become an Instagram celebrity, there is absolutely no point in striving for anything average. If you wish to attain success aim high and become an Instagram idol. Here are some effective strategies for growing your followers, enhancing visibility, and boosting engagement.

Cross-Promoting Your Unique Hashtag Is the Way to Go

If you have created a unique hashtag for your business or brand incorporate it necessarily into your Instagram profile. However, you could consider taking the hashtag offline by getting it printed on your company’s receipts, on signage in the showroom, in print ads, and at all related events.

Whenever you are on television or radio, request others to consider using your hashtag. You must consider integrating both offline and online campaigns effectively together by making sure that it is actually listed on the rest of your social profiles, in the email campaigns, and on your precise websites.

Use Hashtags Wisely

By conducting targeted research, you would be able to find branded hashtags, as well as, really popular ones that then feature the content on curated accounts. This way you are able to feature your content to small communities that are deeply invested in a cause or a particular aesthetic or kind of product or service. Make sure your submissions are original. Moreover, always avoid consciously, the use of banned hashtags. The best way of identifying a banned hashtag is to look for it specifically on Instagram and then examining if it is displayed in both the Recent and Top categories. If the hashtag seems to be blocked or temporarily suspended, then Instagram would be demonstrating just a few of the top posts and effectively eliminate all recent posts.

Organize Giveaways

Contests and giveaways have always been a magnificent way to capture new followers, boost engagement and widen your mailing list. Additionally, you will also be able to put your brand into the spotlight and get the opportunity to connect with like-minded users, both businesses and consumers. You must, however, put some good thought into this giveaway to ensure it serves a single purpose and does it well. Find the proper theme and hashtags and ensure your prize is an attractive enough incentive. Keep promoting your contest while ensuring that you are monitoring the entries which come in and you will soon be able to decide upon a winner. Everyone loves free stuff, and Instagram is the perfect platform with nearly infinite possibilities in terms of reach and connectivity, which makes it the best place to host the giveaway.

Instagram is already growing faster than any social network so far. It enjoys a tremendous adoption rate and generates a ton of ad revenue which means it will be going strong for quite a while. While it is in its golden age, you should be looking to jump onto the bandwagon and follow these steps to find your way to online greatness.

Create Your Unique Instagram Style

It is basic human nature to always try to fit in. However, on the popular Instagram platform, it is best to stand out from the rest. You must consider creating a unique and innovative visual content style to grab immediate attention and be instantly recognizable. In this context, you must understand that you could also, boost your following by simply deciding to buy Instagram followers and likes.

Getting Local Is Beneficial: It Is Best to Consider Using a Location Sticker for Stories

This brand new feature would be giving Instagram users a chance to examine what all are happening in the selected location. This is especially useful and convenient for gaining exposure, as well as, providing users with ideas or inspiration.

You could observe what all is happening in one precise locality simply by visiting the search page, thereafter, simply selecting the Places tab. You may then type in the specific place’s name for seeing all the geotagged posts relevant to that particular location.

It has now become natural to browse Instagram pictures of hotels, travel destinations, tourist spots, events, and restaurants as an effective part of your research phase. If you wish that your Story would be visible to anyone looking for your location, you must essentially remember to add a location.

Remember Your CTAs

Instagram just like all other social networks is essentially a conversation and not really a broadcasting platform. What sort of action do you desire people to take specifically on your post? If you are not clear about it, you must consider thinking it over and precisely figuring it out. Staples, for instance, is brilliant at boosting engagement simply by telling people precisely what action they want the people to take relating their posts. Often CTAs are used cleverly for getting people to spread virally or effectively share content.

Use Descriptive Captions

A picture is supposed to speak a lot more than words. For instance, National Geographic is amazing at exploiting the storytelling feature along with their Instagram pictures for generating engagement and boosting sharing. While conventional media brands are losing their significance, Nat Geo has managed to thrive across several digital platforms. This is a reputed and leading Instagram brand with more than 50 million followers.

Introduce Your Brand via Instagram Stories Highlights

The all-new Instagram Stories Highlights is supposed to be a perfect feature for letting your potential followers know and understand what exactly Instagram is all about. Consider every highlight as simply a movie trailer showcasing various aspects of your business, products, and services in a nutshell. The Instagram algorithm is continuing to make a solid impact hence, it is becoming mandatory to attract more and more followers on this robust social media platform.


As Instagram is gaining momentum, it is surely becoming really important to boost your following. Hopefully, all these expert tricks and tips help you stay well ahead of the curve and you enjoy a successful year ahead.

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