
The Various Causes, Symptoms and Treatments of Frozen Shoulder

The Various Causes, Symptoms and Treatments of Frozen Shoulder

Adhesive capsulitis is another name for frozen shoulder whereby the shoulder of the person becomes stiff and the condition is characterized by a limited range of motion. When the tissues around the joint region of the shoulders get stiffer, the person cannot use his shoulders to the fullest extent. Limited range of motion makes it difficult to accomplish the daily activities. It can also lead to scars all over the tissues to make the shoulder movement difficult and painful. Frozen shoulder might result from any previous shoulder injury and other ailments like diabetes and stroke. Frozen shoulder may continue for a year’s time if nothing is done. Exercises, medicines, and painkillers are the best treatments. Frozen shoulder treatment should be started at the earliest possible time. Due to the stiffening of shoulders, the range of motion gets restricted leading to a lot of problems.

Who is Affected by Frozen Shoulder?

People who are above 40 years of age are mostly affected by frozen shoulder. People between 40 to 60 years of age may get affected. It may either impact one shoulder or may affect both the shoulders. The person having a frozen shoulder will experience pain in the shoulders when trying to move it. There will be a limited movement of the shoulders resulting from stiffness in the area. It becomes difficult to accomplish the daily activities. If the shoulders are stiff and the range of motion is limited, the doctor will suspect frozen shoulder and then prescribe certain tests. To prevent any reverse stiffness in the shoulder, the doctor may recommend a physical therapist for daily exercises. Gentle exercises of shoulders will do. Indeed, the simplest form of exercises is Crossover arm stretching, Towel Stretch and Pendulum Stretch. But there is a need for the therapist to guide you through. A physical therapist, a doctor or an osteopath can help with the exercises. If there is stiffness in the shoulders, you should see a doctor immediately for diagnosis.

Causes and Symptoms of Frozen Shoulder

When there is scar tissue formation in any of the shoulders, there is a frozen shoulder. It may happen on both the shoulders. When there is any formation of scar tissue on the shoulders, the joint’s capsule tends to thicken or tighten and thus there is less of movement. The joint becomes stiff and so the instance of frozen shoulder. Women are more affected by frozen shoulder. People who are diabetic, they also may have it. Shoulder capsule may stiffen as a result of any fracture on the armor surgery of the shoulder. Some of the conditions that increase the risk are the stroke, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, cardiovascular ailments and Parkinson’s disease.

How is it Diagnosed?

As per the signs and symptoms of frozen shoulder, the doctor can diagnose the condition. Physical examination of the shoulder is necessary to diagnose the exact situation. The extent to which the condition is severe is found through the basic test. During the test process, the doctor will move the shoulders and arms to see the extent of stiffness. The imaging test can determine any structural problem in the shoulder. Some of the tests are Magnetic Resonance Imaging and X-Ray. Hospice care may be needed to address the symptoms of frozen shoulder. Just like the aim of tracheostomy care is relieving breathing difficulty, the treatment here is alleviating pain or bringing about pain relief. After the treatment is done, the shoulders gain complete range of motion.

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