
Health and Safety In College: Accident Prevention Tips

girl walking alone

College is a time for learning far more than what they teach in a classroom. It is a passage from childhood to adulthood. A transition from having someone take care of you to learning how to take care of yourself.

While college students may always be somebody’s baby, they also have to learn how to successfully handle an occasionally dangerous world on their own.

Here are health and safety tips for young adults that can help you navigate through college and through life.

How to Keep Your Dorm Room Safe

There are two things you want to protect in your dorm room: your valuables when you are away from it and yourself when you are in it. The rise in home security tech has driven prices down and many safety features are available to college students to protect their dorm rooms.

Some important dorm safety elements are alarms that emit a loud sound or alerts the security when a door or window is opened and smart cameras with motion sensors that can tell you if someone enters your room while you are gone.

Most robberies in college are crimes of opportunity. Dorm rooms are rarely the targets of sophisticated thieves, so some simple security precautions can go a long way. A diversion safe looks like an everyday object but is a great place to lock away small valuables when you are away.

For larger items, such as laptops and tablets, taking them with you is best, but hiding them away when you are not there helps to keep them safe.

How to Keep Your Person Safe

Walking across a deserted campus late at night can be dangerous as can leaving your drink alone. While there are several promising tech advancements to help keep your drink safe from being drugged, none of them seem to have quite panned out yet.

For now, you will need to keep guard over your own drink.

However, there is a wide variety of apps and technologies that can help keep you safe in many ways.

Here are a few:

How to Stay Healthy

While you may not know it, your physical health has a direct impact on your mental health, especially in eating habits. In addition, a clean diet can help you remain more alert and agile, which can allow you to study better and stay awake in class.

Fitness trackers are a great way to remember to engage in a wide range of healthy activities such as standing often, deep breathing, walking and getting enough sleep.

There is a wide range of apps that can improve your eating habits no matter where you dine and what is your budget. Eating healthy can challenge a college student’s budget, particularly if you are on a meal plan with a limited range of options or surrounded by temptation.

Difficult doesn’t mean impossible, however, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help you enjoy your college experience just that much more.

How to Deal with Crisis

Whether it’s witnessing a crime, dealing with a medical crisis or reporting an accident, knowing the basics of what to do in a crisis is important.

Here are common steps to take, no matter what kind of crisis you are in.

The college experience should be a positive one and while students need to remain vigilant, they should not have to live in fear.

While apps and tech can help you stay safer, there are also several precautions you should always take as a matter of course.

The buddy system is one of your best bets in a wide variety of situations, as is maintaining healthy practices which can help you stay alert.

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