
How To Plan For A Safe Adventure In The Australian Outback

How To Plan For A Safe Adventure In The Australian Outback

Alice Springs is the heart and soul of the Australian Outback.  For people who are looking for a place where they can have a unique adventure in the remote part of Australia, this is the perfect spot. It’s a great place to reconnect with nature, although the weather may be a bit challenging as it can get extremely hot and dry at times that it can get hard to even speak. The nearest source of natural water is at Ellery Creek Big Hole, which is roughly fifty kilometers away. And one more thing–out in the Outback, there’s no mobile phone coverage.

But despite the absence of some of the basic things that we have been accustomed to, you’ll find that visiting the Outback is very much worth it. There’s so much beauty in this place. The Australian red of the MacDonnell ranges provides a lovely backdrop to this town. And nothing compares to the majestic view of the night sky in this part of the world. Without any artificial light, you will be able to experience how the aboriginal elders gazed upon the glorious Milky Way during their era.

There are many ways to enjoy and de-stress out in the Outback. If you are the active and adventurous type, you will certainly have a blast with all the things you can do here, such as trekking, diving, abseiling, jumping, and flying. While some people go to the spa for stress relief, others head outdoors for some sunshine and stress busting activities. They say the higher the adrenalin rush, the greater the stress relief.

Planning for a Safe Outback Adventure

All this sounds a lot of fun, but before leaving for your trip, it is always best to have a sound contingency plan in place. It would be good for you to know the exact location you will be going and who you will be with. Inform your close family members or friends where you will be staying and when you are expected to be back. Check the activities you will be having during your Outback adventure and learn the potential risks that go with these activities. There’s nothing wrong with anticipating the worst thing that can happen. Also, research on how and where you can get help in case of an emergency.

Keep in mind that the medical facilities and physiotherapy centers in the Outback are not as technologically advanced as the ones we have in the city and the doctors, nurses, and physiotherapists there can only treat patients using the limited resources available. Taking this into consideration, it would be ideal for you to have a list of contacts handy in case there is an emergency.

Going out for an adventure in the wild can be very exciting and fun, but it always pays to have a plan in place in case something unforeseen happens. So, be prepared and do some research before you head on into the Outback and bring a few essentials like an emergency kit, bottled water, and something to keep you warm, so you can enjoy your trip to nature armed with everything that will ensure your safety and survival.

Tim Ellis is the Principal Physiotherapist at Excel Physiotherapy and Wellness in Mascot, New South Wales, Australia. He specialises in treating complex necks and backs and developing highly effective exercise programs for his patients. Tim is committed to integrative health, healthy eating, exercise, and life long learning which he shares through his blogs.

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