
5 Essential Points To Know When Applying For A Job

5 Essential Points To Know When Applying For A Job

After graduating college, you might be considering applying for a few vacancies. There are a few points you should be aware of before applying. It sounds like a simple process of sending out your resume and crossing your fingers, but it is a bit more complicated than that. What you need to keep in mind is that there are a lot of other candidates applying for the same position. This is why you should always be over prepared, rather than under prepared.

Gone are the days when you could just make a few copies of your resume and send it out to a dozen companies. There are so many rules attached to applying for a vacancy that many people just hope for the best. You can find resume services online easily, because a lot of companies or individuals are offering this service. Some people have a list of jobs they want to apply for and does each application directed to the job. This is probably one of the most important factors when it comes to applying. You want to make sure that your application stands out. Here are those 5 points you need to know before applying for a job.

1. Check your Social Media

We live in a digital world and you will be surprised that many recruiters now check your social media accounts. This just gives them an indication of the type of person you are. If you are someone who parties all the time and speak in a provocative manner, you might want to clear that off your platforms. Sure, we should not be judged for who we are, but unfortunately, this is just how the world works. You might be someone who enjoys a good time on the weekends and are on top of your game at work. Remember, this is just a judgement someone is making and it could cost you a call back. You also want to take down any information that is controversial, because our views are never the same.

2. Polish up your LinkedIn Account

This is probably the safest social media account you want to have and it should be your best one. The great thing about LinkedIn is that you want to promote your experience and skills. Many employers find potential employees on this platform. You want to link your studies to your profile keywords. If you studied engineering, make sure you mention how professional you are and that you pay great attention to detail. Think about your heading and make sure you stand out from the rest. You can also find resume editing services at a minimal cost. There really is no compromising a great resume these days, because it is the key to unlocking your new job.

3. Network

Even though I just said that you should not be too busy on social media, there are a lot of positives if used the correct way. You need to build a strong network if you want to grow in your possible career. Start with one person and build from there. You do not have to make huge decisions and connect with anyone and everyone. You want to make sure that the people you are networking with can add value to your life. They can be future mentors, or the ones to open up doors for you. You do not only have to network online. There are many industry events you could attend and network at. Even if you are not employed or working in the specific industry, it is worth attending. When you are at these events, make sure that you use the opportunity. Let people know that you are available and qualified to be a part of the industry.

4. Be Professional

Being professional has very little to do with the way your look, but it is not obsolete. Carry yourself in a respectful manner and brush up on your social skills. You want to come across as a confident, but not arrogant person. Know who you are and join the conversation, but never try and overpower the entire conversation. It’s said that it only takes a few seconds for someone to decide what type of person you are. Always be ready to meet your future boss. Read up on a lot of information and stay up to date with recent events. You never know who you might impress with your knowledge.

5. Easily Contactable

It is one thing to have your LinkedIn account set up, but no one can reach you. Make sure all your contact information is correct on your resume or hire an online resume service if you are worried. When you do get that call or an email, be sure to answer and respond. Many people do not check their emails for weeks and that could be the difference between you going for an interview or missing out. It is also not professional to reply to an email a week later. If you know that you have been networking or applied for a job, make sure your email works and your mobile phone is switched on. Some recruiters will only call you once, no matter how impressive your application is. When you do reply, you want to make sure that you pay attention to your level of professionalism. Many companies will use the phone call or email reply as a way to figure out how professional and prepared you are.


Some people are lucky and find jobs easily, but it is definitely the exception in these times. A lot of companies are actually letting people go, instead of employing new individuals. When a vacancy does become available, you should have everything ready to go. Do not let your application be in the pile that is thrown out. Instead, impress the hiring manager and get yourself employed. Once you get the hang of the application process, it becomes second nature. Your first job will not be your only job, so these tips will help you going forward in your career.

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