
4 steps to Accepting and Embracing Rain on Your Wedding Day

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The big day is here! After months of planning, you have every moment scheduled down to the second and every color-coordinated down to the beads on the custom bridesmaid dresses. You wake up that morning, check the weather on your phone, and your heart stops. The dreaded four letter word appears on the screen that every bride has nightmares about — R-A-I-N.

Despite all of the planning, mother nature has a different agenda for your big day. The following is a list of actions to take in order to ensure that the rain works in your favor and that you still have the wedding day of your dreams.

1. Breathe

The first and most important thing to do in this situation is to take a deep breath. In any unplanned situation, it is easy to let anxiety get the best of you. However, times like these require a cool head and the ability to make rational decisions.

One of the best antidotes for such panic is taking a deep breath. According to a study done by PubMed, there is a proven positive correlation between breathing exercises and clear decision making. Taking 10 minutes to calm yourself down before deciding what to do can mean the difference between total chaos and a practical, enjoyable wedding day.

2. Know you’re not alone

The second most important thing to remember is that you are not alone! In fact, more than 80 percent of women report having regrets on their wedding day. That means that the majority of people have had an imperfect wedding day. A wedding day issue is inevitable. At least an issue related to rain was an unforeseen event that was out of your control.

3. Prevent equipment damage by buying wedding insurance

Prepare for the worst by investing in wedding insurance. Doing so can save you potentially thousands of dollars related to damaged equipment caused by rain. Investing in wedding insurance early can mean you avoid having to repair your credit as a result of unforeseen expenses.

A basic insurance policy covers loss of photos, videos, attire, presents, rings, and deposits. According to The Knot, buying wedding insurance is a must for every future couple. The average cost of wedding insurance is anywhere between $155 and $550 and can cover more than $1,000,000 in damages.

In the case of unanticipated rain, this could mean covering the cost of damaged electronic equipment, or rental furniture and can cut the anxiety of cost out of a rainy wedding day.

4. Remember the positive aspects of your big day

Once you have taken a moment to center yourself and remember that everything is going to be ok, start thinking about all of the awesome things a rainy wedding can bring. For example, a rainy and overcast day means that all of the photos will be gorgeous! With the average cost of wedding photographer being between $2,500 and $10,000, it is great to know that you are getting a bigger bang for your buck with the perfect natural lighting.

Overcast photos create a whimsical and dreamlike glow to wedding photos and sharpen the colors of nature, resulting in stunning photographic moments. You’ll be sure to get some Instagram-worthy shots that can earn you as many followers as Jed Triplett in the film People You May Know.

Another positive aspect of a rainy wedding is that it will give your guests something to bond about. When guests have to deal with minor adversities, they tend to better connect with one another. This feeling can create a friendlier atmosphere throughout the wedding day. Guests will feel more compelled to communicate and celebrate with one another.

5. Dance in the Rain!

Lastly, and most importantly, remember why you are there in the first place, to marry the love of your life. Let the test of rain be a testament to the success of your marriage by embracing the rain and walking down the aisle with an umbrella.

According to a Stanford Research Institute study – success is 88 percent positive thinking, and 12 percent work. Solidify the spirit of your new marriage by thinking positively and proving that nothing can stand between you and your love, especially not a little rain.


No wedding is absolutely perfect, at least rain on your wedding day is considered to be a good omen. With a good insurance plan, a couple of deep breaths and some positive thinking, a rainy wedding day is nothing to worry about.

What are your tips to maintain composure in the face of wedding adversity? Let us know by leaving a comment below!

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