
5 US Destinations For An All-Girls RV Trip

5 US Destinations For An All-Girls RV Trip

If you’re looking to get together with the girls for a little me-time, then why not make it a road trip? There is no better way to spend quality time with friends than by experiencing the sights and adventures of the American landscape together. Even if you and your crew aren’t avid travelers, you can easily research some potential destinations then head on down to your local RV rentals establishment. No matter where you decide to go for your trip, you and your friends are definitely in for the time of your life. Before you decide on a destination, make sure to check out the below recommended destinations to see if one is perfect for your all-girls getaway.

Southern California

No matter if you are hitting San Diego, Los Angeles or points in between, southern California has all the makings of the perfect all-girls trip destination. You have mild temperatures and golden sunshine, miles of gorgeous coastline, and many towns and cities boasting a plethora of restaurants and nightlife. If you’re into the outdoors, there are a great cross-section of opportunities on hand from climbing to hiking to rafting. The distinct culture of this region is perfect for road trips as well, with an overall laid back and friendly vibe. There is a little something for everyone in southern California, so make sure to keep this one on your bucket list.

The Pacific Northwest

You make a mistake if you think of the Pacific Northwest as a rainy, gloomy destination. As a matter of fact, this area offers all of the perfect ingredients needed for an epic road trip. First off you have terrific scenery and a truly unique terrain unmatched by any other location in the country. The miles of undeveloped coastline are a beautiful thing to behold, as are the vast forests and impressive mountain ranges. You also have two of the most lively and hip cities in the nation, Portland and Seattle, making for the perfect cross section of urban charms and rustic bliss. If you haven’t thought about the Northwest for your all-girls road trip then you should definitely think again.


If a temperate climate, miles of amazing beaches, and lots of unique outdoor activities sound good to you for a road trip, then never forget about sunny Florida in the south. Here you have not one but two coastlines to enjoy, a plethora of inviting cities and towns to visit, and an incredibly diverse range of activities to partake in ranging from water sports to hiking. One of the most impressive aspects of Florida is the diverse range of terrain, spanning from the swamps of the Everglades to stunning coastline to pine forests. Culturally, Florida also has a lot to offer, with major metropolises such as Miami and Tampa offering urban action and large stretches of rural landscape giving the opportunity for rustic reflection. There is a reason that Florida has long been on the top of American travelers’ bucket lists, and you and your girlfriends can find out for yourself on your next trip.

New England

In the summers and falls, hundreds of travelers load up their RV rentals and make for the unique and wondrous expanse of New England. Encompassing a wide range of states from New York to Maine, New England is one of the most diverse areas in the country offering an incredibly wide range of sights and experiences. This area is particularly gorgeous in the fall when the leaves turn on the trees, and is simply stunning in the golden summers. Heavy pine forests, lake regions, mountain ranges, meadows, and dozens of quant towns dot this landscape, making for the perfect extended road trip adventure. You can drive in any direction and be sure to come across a region, town, or activity that will catch your fancy. Even in the winter this area can be inviting, offering top rate skiing opportunities and a cozy vibe. Just make sure to pack plenty of warm clothes and prepare for bad weather should you hit up New England in the winter months.


Located right in the heart of the American south, Louisiana offers an interest cross section of scenery and activities. On one hand you have the swampy interior of the state which makes for very interesting road tripping, and on the other you have the crown jewel city of New Orleans which is completely unique in its culture. This best-of-both-worlds mix has attracted plenty of RVers over the years and may be just right for a fun-filled journey with your girlfriends.

There are many opportunities for all-girl road trips spread out across the American expanse. With so many options open for groups to take their RV rentals, you will want to fully research the best destination for your collective.

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