
Can Inpatient Treatment For Depression Help You?

Can Inpatient Treatment For Depression Help You?

Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses today. In America, it affects about 6.7 percent of the adult population. It also happens to be one of the most treatable. Outpatient therapy is effective in treating many different types of mental illnesses. However, there are situations that may require inpatient treatment for depression.

Depression can take a toll on one’s life and have a serious impact on their physical and psychological well being in the long term. It can weaken the immune system and leave you more susceptible to diseases. Psychologically, the situation can get worse and become more time consuming and costly to treat if not addressed as early as possible. In this article, we’ll look at some of the benefits of an inpatient program when seeking treatment for depression.

Professional Supervision

Depression can be debilitating and can leave the patient feeling helpless. It tends to affect one’s ability to handle day to day challenges and may sometimes be so severe that the patient is unable to get out of bed.

In such situations the patient requires hospitalization. Since the patient is incapacitated and cannot get out of bed or perform simple day to day tasks, it means he may also not be in a position to go for therapy sessions which are necessary if the person struggling with depression is to get better faster.

An outpatient program may not provide the same level of care that the patient needs. Hospitalization provides round the clock supervision that is overseen by a trained psychiatrist, doctors, and other staff. Medication is prescribed and the patient is monitored for any signs of side effects. This level of attention is particularly valuable in addressing severe depression.

Specialized Care

Another reason inpatient care may be ideal for someone dealing with depression is when the patient may pose a danger to himself due to the condition. Some patients may be suicidal and may harm themselves as their way of escaping the severe psychological distress they are experiencing.

In such cases supervision and monitoring are critical. Inpatient care provides the level of attention needed to address these situations. The professional facilities that run this program have doctors who can monitor physical symptoms and psychiatrists who can provide professional guidance at this critical stage of depression. The necessary medication and psychiatric intervention can be arranged even if the patient cannot get out of bed to attend therapy sessions.

Protect Patient from External Influences

Depression can become more severe with time if the patient is exposed to certain triggers within his or her environment. Certain situations at work and at home can make it difficult to cope with depression.

The outpatient program provides the opportunity for the patient to receive treatment in a more conducive environment free of negative influences. Patients can still see friends and family but it is usually in a more relaxed environment. Additionally, many programs may include family therapy. Family members are informed about the condition and the unintentional contributions they could be making at home to worsen the situation for the patient.

Take Full Advantage of Alternative Therapies

There are other alternative therapies that complement conventional methods of treatment for depression. Outdoor therapy, art therapy, music therapy, yoga, and meditation are some of the therapies that can not only enhance conventional treatment but can turn the process into a more fulfilling experience. Getting inpatient addiction treatment center gives you more time to immerse yourself and make the most of these therapies.

Outpatient care only requires patients to report to the facility a few hours a week. Many people find this to be more convenient. However, if you have moderate to severe depression, you should consider getting into an inpatient program for the best results.

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