

Lateral epicondylitis is the painful condition in the outer forearm, just where this forearm meets the arm. This type of condition is also known as tennis elbow. Recently, due to the new evidence this condition has been brought under Occupational Overdue Syndrome which is also known as Repetitive Strain Injury syndrome. There are three types in this lateral epicondylitis. They are:

There are some symptoms which help to take some precaution before it becomes very serious problem. It is most often connected to the activity of an arm or the wrist part like opening a door or a jar. Pain in this area could be quite intense with the burning quality.

There are some risk factors which the above symptoms are not taken as a serious thing. The posture support of the shoulder, neck, and spine plays an important role in the distribution of forces throughout and elbow and forearm. In other words, the inadequate support of the shoulder and neck blades in the spines may cause further peripheral imbalance into the muscles which is traveling across multiple joints of shoulder, wrist, and an elbow. The clinical experiences and the scientific evidence shows the recovery time of the treatment for elbow and wrist syndromes are well abbreviates while stability of the shoulder blades are addressed.

The tissue texture quality plays a vital role in the development of musculoskeletal conditions of an upper extremity. Women are more affected with this painful syndrome of elbow and wrist due to different hormonal profile that negatively affects tissue tensile quality.

The elbow specialist in NYC provides the most comprehensive approach. They are using the DNS technique (Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization) in order to restore the alignment, stability and mobility at the elbow, shoulder, and wrist. The specialist here are also using many types of fascial manipulations in order to improve the motion control, allow the myofascial tissues to expand and thereby reduces stress to muscles and tendons and their insertion to the bones at the lateral epicondyle. They are also using acupuncture in order to eliminate the active trigger point in forearm area.

For the patients who all are suffering from chronic severe pain or who have not well responded to the traditional treatments, the specialists are performing ESWT therapy called Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy. Because, this shockwave therapy does not require any subcutaneous incision, this is non invasive regeneration therapy. Low intensity set of pressure and acoustic waves are used to stimulate the metabolism and to increase the blood circulation in an affected area. This technique is the biological regenerative treatment which accelerates the healing process, regenerating, and restoring the damaged tissues.

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