
What Places To Visit To Feel As A Shakespeare Character?

Shakespeare’s plays and poems are still considered as one of the greatest work of literature, even after about 400 years of his death. There is no shortage of places from his life and work which should be visited by every Shakespeare lover.

Places to visit for Shakespeare lovers

Majority of Shakespeare’s plays were set in Italy. From Romeo and Juliet to Julius Caesar, Othello and Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare had a deep fascination with this country. However, many of the Shakespeare plays took place in Britain as well.So if you are wondering what places to visit to feel like a Shakespeare character, we are here to help you.

Verona, Italy

Romeo and Juliet is a quintessential love story. When we think about love, we think of Romeo and Juliet. And the house of Romeo and Juliet in Verona is considered as the most popular tourist attractions. In the Juliet’s balcony, the place where Romeo professed his love for Juliet,there is a bronze statue of Juliet in the courtyard.

It’s considered a good luck by the people to rub the statue’s right breast. people also leave love notes near the doorway. Another beautiful place to visit in Verona is Juliet’s tomb. It’s built at the place where Juliet actually died. People visit the tomb to pay their respect to Juliet and Shakespeare.

Messina, Italy

The entire play of Shakespeare’s Much ado about nothing was set in Messina in Sicily. Messina is a beautiful city with golden beaches and quiet, calm environment. While visiting Messina, you should definitely try the scrumptious dish of white wine, anchovies and swordfish cooked with olives. In the year 2002, a Sicilian professor Martino Iuvara also came up with a theory that Shakespeare actually belonged from Messina.

What Places To Visit To Feel As A Shakespeare Character?

Venice, Italy

Shakespeare’s two very famous plays, Merchant of Venice and Othello were set in this beautiful city. In Venice, if you just walk down the streets, you can feel the atmosphere that Shakespeare had described in his plays. It seems that the city hasn’t changed much. Though much of the Merchant of Venice play happened in the courtroom, the streets of Rialto also experienced a lot of action. Now, Rialto is a major tourist attraction and is famous for its markets.


Macbeth was not a good guy. He was greedy and had a bad reputation. this play of Shakespeare is also famous for being intense and dramatic. Macbeth was the king of Scotland and if you are visiting Scotland,one place that you must go is the Cawdor Castle. The play begins with him becoming the Thane of Cawdor.

Later, Macbeth was told by the three witches that he was going to be the King of Scotland. This makes Macbeth greedy and he along with his wife invite the King to their castle and then murders him. After the current King’s death,Macbeth becomes the King of Scotland. However, there is no real connection between the Cawdor Castle and the Macbeth play. This is because the Castle was built after the play was written by Shakespeare


Near the eastern edge of Denmark, Kronborg castle is located. It’s the fictional home of the protagonist of the Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet. In the play, Shakespeare call it as Elsinore. Now,Elsinore has become the English name for Helsingør, the city where Kronborg castle is situated. Every summer in that castle, people can see the live performances of the Bard’s greatest plays at the Hamlet Scenen’s Shakespeare Festival.

A marvelous poet, a bodacious storyteller and a genius play writer. These are just few words to describe Shakespeare. Even after so many years of his death, people appreciate and adore his work. And if you are a Shakespeare lover, use Macbeth essay guide and visit these places at least once which have been immortalized by the Bard.

This article was prepared by StudyFaq Community.

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