There are many discussions about the significant benefits of multivitamins. Many people say that multivitamins are recommended for daily intake, while others say that these products are unnecessary and can be replaced by natural sources. It should be noted that people have different nutritional needs, depending on their situations and physical characteristics. As an example, pregnant, breastfeeding and growing children require higher nutritional needs. Vegetarians also have specific nutritional requirements, especially because some nutrients are only found in animal products. Smokers and people who are exposed to chemicals also need to consume more antioxidants and minerals. It is shown that each cigarette lowers some amount of vitamin in our body. Some people may also not be able to get enough vitamin E, zinc and selenium. Other people who may need multivitamins are those with immune deficiency or who are chronically ill. Nutrients can help us to heal our body quickly and people who are on restrictive diet programs could also lack specific vital nutrients.
People who take more drastic programs to get slimmer and lose weight should consume enough multivitamins. People who perform physical exercise should make sure that they consume enough vitamins. Physical activities could compromise our immune system and impaired defense could leave us susceptible to injury and illness. It is apparent that people who follow intense physical activities for a first time in the gym is likely to feel weak and fatigued, or even more likely suffer from cold. In this case, multivitamins should allow us to achieve peak health level, so we won’t be fatigued and rundown. We should add enough supplements each day, if we plan to lose weight. This should allow us to maintain proper nutritional balance. We will be able to lose a few pounds, while maintaining proper metabolism. Multivitamins that we choose shouldn’t only contain multiple vitamins and some nutrients, there should be enough antioxidants that we need to consume each day. Common antioxidants that can be included are beta carotene, citrus bioflavanoids, alpha liphoic acid and grape seed extract.
They can help to negate free radicals, caused by chemical exposure, poor diet, busy lifestyle and intense exercise. Essential substances found in multivitamins will not only maintain health, but also enhance energy levels, promote cell growth and improve circulatory system. However, there are some negative effects of multivitamins that we need to consider. Some people don’t consume the recommended amount of multivitamin and they could tend to load themselves with many pills. They believe that consuming more vitamins, minerals and antioxidants will make them healthier. In reality, consuming too much of these nutrients could add some pressure to our body. In fact, vitamins in excessive quantity could be toxic to our body. This situation can be more complex because we can’t easily determine how much nutrient is needed by someone. There are recommendations that are based on our age and body weight; but we should also consider our health situations and daily habits.