
Web Development Trends 2013

In the past couple of years various web development trends cropped up and they became popular among the users. As more and more new inventions are being made newer trends for web development are also growing. Some of the very common web trends that we saw in 2012 are responsive interface, freebies, touch screen mobile device websites, easy drop shadows, etc. Similarly for 2013 there are some of the most popular trends that are being adopted by the web developers. We will discuss about some of the most common web development trends for 2013.

Creating responsive layouts

With the advent of many types of internet supported devices such as Smartphones, tablets, iPads, etc. in the mobile phone market, has created a demand for websites that may be easily viewed on all these new platforms including the existing ones such as laptops, notebooks, desktops, etc. Responsive websites are those that adjust itself automatically according to the size of the device screen and version of the browser used to view its pages. The web developers from various parts of the world are taking interest in developing codes for web designing that can allow web pages to identify the kind of device and adjust the settings according to it, so that web viewing gets easier and simpler.

Use of fixed header bars

You might have observed in many web pages that when you are at the top you do not see any header bar separable from the main page. There is just only one bar with navigation and search box. However, as you scroll down the fixed header bar appears where there are various options on it along with the search box. This header bar also allows you to navigate to various pages including the home page. This had been there on the internet for some years but these days almost each and every website supports this. This is made using the ‘position: fixed’ property of CSS programming language.

Background transparency

Another interesting feature of websites, which is going to become a web designing trends in 2013 and is likely to go on even after this, is the background transparency.  Here on a website using the CCS property of ‘background: transparent’ a web developer would be able to bring in transparency to an element of a website.

Badges for sharing on social media

Another interesting trend that is being followed by web developers is the inclusion of social media badges on the websites. With these the visitors would be able to share the content of the website on other social media networks. This gives the website owners an opportunity to popularize their website, content, products, etc through other social media without any additional effort. Some of the badges that are commonly included on web pages are:

Besides these there are many other badges that can be included on a website depending upon the kind of audience you are willing to target.

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