
Security Tips For Mobile Devices

There’s a high price to pay for being ‘smart’, and for your phone this means vulnerability to viruses and malware. An additional risk to your security is losing or having your phone stolen. This would put a huge amount of personal information at risk.

Actually, smart phones can be named ‘mobile computers’. You therefore need to secure your phone in the same way you’d secure your laptop.

Your Smartphone is more than a Phone

Secure your Smartphone

Protect your Information

Protect against Malicious Software

Warnings and prompts often pop up when surfing the web, and it’s easy to blindly click ‘OK’. You should always take the time to check that malicious software isn’t asking to be installed. If you’re not 100% sure you want to install something, then click ‘Cancel’ or ‘No’ – criminals often use malicious software to exploit internet users.

Author: Amanda Martin, writes about smartphone security rules, how to avoid malicious software and use cell phone monitoring technology properly. She works as a marketing executive for and researches how mobile tracking can contribute to better business solutions.

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