
Top New Technologies in Hospitals

Technology is constantly advancing; this is especially prominent in the field of healthcare and hospital technologies. In every field of medicine there are new techniques, procedures, and equipment that can make diagnosing and treating patients more efficient and effective. From oncology to radiology, technology is advancing these fields and making for better experiences for not only patients but medical professionals as well.

CT Radiation Technologies

A big focus within the radiology field is reducing radiation during CT scans. Now, due to engineering advances and computer control systems, radiation that does not add any meaningful information can be eliminated or reduced. These are referred to as “iterative reconstruction” systems and can be found in only the most advanced of platforms. Unfortunately they are unable to be retrofitted for those systems already in existence. These systems in addition to tools that will be able to assess the amount of radiation that is delivered during a CT scan are the future of radiological technology.

Radiation Therapy

Another new technology within the field of radiology is Proton Beam Radiation Therapy. This procedure is basically the ability to target a tumor and eradicate it with radiation. This procedure causes very little damage to outlying areas. As new as Proton Beam radiation therapy is there are increasing measures to push carbon ion therapy over proton beam radiation therapy due to the lack of testing and research available. Either way both proton beam and carbon ion therapy are new technologies that will allow for more precise targeting and a more efficient delivery of treatment.

Cardiac Technologies

In the field of cardiac medicine there are also new developments. One of these is the advent of new stents and balloons that can treat coronary artery disease. These balloons and stents can be covered with antibodies and can even be bio-absorbable, meaning they will stay in place and then disappear. There are also stents available that treat bifurcated lesions as well as balloons that can emit drugs. These new stents are much thinner and are pioneering the field of cardiac medicine. In addition to stents there are also minimally invasive transcatheter aortic valve surgery techniques emerging. This is definitely a technology that hospital executives should look into and start planning for, including adding the infrastructure and staffing models that are necessary to implement such systems.


In most fields robotics is taking off, and this includes medicine. A new competitor for the already in use da Vinci surgical robot is the “Amadeus Composer” it is sleeker and smaller than the da Vinci and features four snakelike arms that offer better dexterity. Robotic surgery is thought to improve not only precision, but visualization as well. However, it is an expensive technology over time and developing training programs can be difficult. It is definitely an up and coming technology in the field of medicine and should be watched carefully as it can greatly improve the surgical field and allow for more innovative and effective procedures.

Bariatric Technologies

There are a number of emerging technologies in the field of bariatric medicine. These involve making surgery easier and less invasive for obese patients. These new technologies make it so that there are shorter recovery times and lead to fewer infections. An example of this technology is the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, this alters the stomach but does not touch the intestines. Another approach is gastric plication, there are even techniques that can block nerves signaling fullness in patients. These new techniques have made it easier and safer for obese patients to help get the weight loss results they desperately need.

Technology is advancing in all fields, especially medicine. From bariatric medicine to radiology these new techniques, tools, and procedures can vastly improve the medical care for patients. Medical professionals can use these technological advances and take their knowledge and skills to new levels. By understanding the advances and doing the research, hospital executives can take their facility to the top in terms of patient care and medical services by utilizing some of these emerging technologies.

Author Bio: Sarah Daren is a writer who creates informative articles related to the field of health. This article explains a few new health technologies and encourages further study with a Bachelor Degree in Radiology.

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